District 3 Democratic Club Meeting last night at Telegraph Hill Neighborhood Center, 660 Lombard Street, S.F.
The Club voted for officers for 2008 as follows:
President - Paul Kohler
Vice-President - Arthur Chang
Corresponding Secretary - Kiril Dobrovolsky
Recording Secretary - John Barnes
Treasurer: Nancy Payne Lewis
The new President thanked Tony Gantner the President of the this club for the last two years and presented him with a couple of books and wished him well on his campaign for Supervisor in District Three and wished him a Happy Birthday (yesterday).
There was a discussion regarding the club's calendar for the year including what programs people would like to hear.
People were interested in the Central Subway (not everyone is in favor of the subway - runaway costs, shorten platform, less stations, compensation for business owners and where the entrance will be. )
There was also interest in global warming and architecture and development in the area, homelessness and the election process in San Francisco including the election machines.
The schedule for the year was discussed including the Endorsement process for June. The endorsement process will start at the next Meeting - March 27th with discussion on No on 98 and Yes on 99. District Three Democratic Club has worked very hard to register Democratic Voters (thanks to Kay Burke) and they have a D3DC precinct walk distributing door hangers.
Attendees included David Chiu and Wilma Pang - both candidates for Supervisor in District Three, Gerry Hurtado, Richard Grayson Kay Burke, Rick Hauptman, Richard Ow, and Norm Rolfe.
I specifically went to the meeting last night to hear Supervisor Gerardo Sandoval speak about his candidacy against Superior Court Judge Thomas Mellon. Unfortunately the Supervisor could not make the meeting.
District 3 Democratic Club, P. O. Box 330512, San Francisco, Ca. 94133 dedc@hotmail.com www.d3dc.org Membership: Regular, associate and non-resident members (cannot vote) $20.; Students, Seniors and low income members $10.; Family Membership $30. Questions contact Paul Kohler (paul.kohler@gmail.com).
March 2008
March 1, 2008 - Saturday
Seawall Lot 337 - Advisory panel will convene all-day SWL 337 public workshop 9:30 a.m. at Jelly's Cafe, 295 Terry Francois Blvd., S.F. across from SWL 337. Four Suitors: 1. San Francisco Giants; The Cordish Company; Farallon Capital Management 2. Build Inc.; Cherokee Investment Partners; UrbanGreen Devco 3. Kenwood Investments; Boston Properties Inc.; Wilson Meany Sullivan 4. Federal Development; Lehman Brothers; Construction Management and Development The workshop will be formatted to enable development teams and community stakeholders to have a direct exchange on the public's response to the development concepts. Information: webmaster@sfport.com Source: socketsite.com
Barack Obama - SF+Texas+Obama 4 days - San Francisco descends upon Texas for March 1 through 4th. Information: Linda Leu 301-646-0530 lindaleu@gmail.com
*The Great Train Expo
When: March 1 and 2nd, 2008 - Saturday and Sunday
10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Where: Cow Place, 2600 Geneva Ave, Daly City, Ca. (see the Cow Place before they tear it down!)
What: Model railroads, fun and games and Swan Brothers Circus. $7. for adults for both days.
6th Annual Celebrity Crab Festival - Union Square - Fundraiser for the San Francisco 49ers Foundation. Food, beer and wine tastings. Noon to 3 p.m. Members of the San Francisco 49ers team up with local chefs to demonstrate the art of cracking crab. The noon time demonstration will be followed by a timed crab cracking and cleaning contest. For a minimal sampling fee, local restaurants will provides tastes of crab and sample beer and wine. Music from Diego's Umbrella, family entertainment including children's booth, and raffles. Meet 49ers Gold Rush Cheerleaders and 49ers Mascot Sourdough Sam. Admission is free. Tickets for food, beer and wine tastings $5 each or 6 for $25. Information: 415-781-7880 or www. unionsquaresf.net
*Ecological History Tour
When: March 1, 2008 - Saturday
12 noon to 4p.m.
Where: meet at CounterPULSE, 1310 Mission Street (at 9th Street)
What: CounterPULSE and Shaping San Francisco director Chris Carlsson conducts 4-hour historical tours of San Francisco by bicycle. Reservations: 415-608-9035 Sliding Scale $15.-50
Source: San Francisco Bicycle Coalition
*Celebrating the closing of the Eureka Valley/Harvey Milk Memorial Branch Library for renovation.
When: March 1, 2008 Saturday
1 to 3 p.m.
Where: 1 Jose Sarria Court (16th Street near Market)
What: Library is closing for renovation under the Branch Library Improvement Program. The community will honor former Library Commission Steve Coulter for his years of service to San Francisco's libraries and LGBT community. Remarks by City Librarian Luis Herrera, Assemblyman Mark Leno, Rachelle McManus representing Bevan Dufty, Donna Bero, Executive Director, Friends of the San Francisco Public Library, Jewelle Gomez, President, San Francisco Public Library Commission, Steve Coulter , former San Francisco Public Library Commissioner.
Sister Kitty Catalyst of the Sister of the Perpetual Indulgence will perform a "blessing"following the remarks. Entertainment by The Jules Broussard Trio, Temple of Poi Dancers, Poet Dan Bellm, Children's crafts with Paul Benton and Children's musicians from the San Francisco Friends School.
Jane Ganahl - "Naked on the Page" - Celebrate the paperback release with a reading by Jane Ganahl. (book recently opted for a TV series on TBS). Book signing follows event. Glen Park Library , 2825 Diamond Street (near Bosworth). Library Sponsored Public Program 2 to 3 p.m. Information: 415-557-4400
Hootenanny Hoedown - Exploratorium
When: March 1, 2008 - Saturday
(also March 8th and 15th)
2 p.m
Where: Exploratorium - McBean Theater
What: Variety show with Melinda Stone and Sam Sharey. Homegrown hootenanny sing-along. Experience San Francisco's largest kazoo-a-long.
Information: events@exploratorium.edu
March 2, 2008 - Sunday
12 Galaxies
When: March 2, 2008
Noon to 5 p.m.
Where: 12 Galaxies
2565 Mission Street, S.F.
What: Design fair featuring ware from local designers and artists.
Free pancake and waffle brunch sponsored by Batter Blaster.
Also, featuring live music, snacks for sale and full bar.
Admission: Free
Information: 415-970-9777
Source: Chronicle
Memorial Tribute to Alexander "Sandy" Taylor - Publisher of Curbstone Press - 1 to 3 p.m. San Francisco Main Library, 100 Larkin Street, S.F. As Founder and Co-Director of the non-profit literary arts organization, Curbstone Press, Alexander "Sandy" Taylor routinely placed an emphasis on contemporary writing from Latino, Latin American and Vietnamese cultures in his publications. Taylor will be remembered by Alejandro Murguia, Boadiba, George Evans, Maketa Groves, Jack Hirschman, Elaine Katzenberger, Maxine Hong Kingston, Devorah Major, Rosemary Manno, Sarah Menefee, Barbara Paschke, Luis Rodriguez, Arlene Scully, James Scully, Alastair Taylork, Paul Yamazaki and Daisy Zamora. Event is free and open to the public. Information: 415-557-4400
March 3, 2008 -Monday
Lobbyist's Training - 12 noon to 1 p.m. City Hall, Room 421. This training is for lobbyists, their representatives, the Board of Supervisors, member of the media, department heads, and other interested persons and is designed to explain filing and reporting obligations required by the San Francisco Lobbyist Ordinance. Information: Kristian Ongoco 415-252-3100. Please RSVP by 2-28-08.
March 4, 200 8- Tuesday
Primaries: Massachusetts, Ohio, Rhode Island, Texas and Vermont.
*Alphonso Jackson - Secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development.
When: March 4, 2008 - Tuesday
11:30 a.m.
Where: Commonwealth Club, 595 Market Street, S.F., 2nd Floor, S.F.
What: Take a look at the nation's housing crisis. $15. non-members
Information: 415-597-6700 club@commonwealthclub.org
When: March 4th - Tuesday
12:30 to 1:30 p.m.
Where: 312 Sutter Street, Suite 500, S.F.
What: Update on Muni's Transit Effectiveness Project with update from Julie Kirschbaum of the SFMTa and Sally Allen of the Controller's Office. $5. for non-members
Information: 415-781-8726 info@spur.org
*Primary Watch Party - Ohio! Texas!
When: March 4, 2008 - Tuesday
6 to 10 p.m.
Where: Julie's Supper Club, 1123 Folsom Street at 7th Street
What: Join the SF Young Democrats, SF4Democracy-Federal Action, Noe Valley Democratic Club watching the returns from Ohio, Texas, Rhode Island and Vermont.
Information: 415-826-0693
Source: San Francisco for Democracy
*San Francisco March 4th Watch Party
When: March 4th, 2008 Tuesday
6 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Where: Mad Dog in the Fog, 530 Haight Street, S.F.
What: Watch the returns from Ohio, Texas, Rhode Island and Vermont.
We Are Obama - a fundraiser for Barack Obama
When: March 4th, Tuesday
6:30 p.m.
Where: Varnish Art Gallery, 77 Natoma Street, S.F.
What: Premier of Obama short film by San Francisco's finest filmmakers, speakers, music. Watch the live results of the Ohio and Texas primaries. Hosted by the "We Are Obama" supporters committee: George Rush, Nick Short, John O'Riordan, Josh Arce, Dan Pontes, Matt Gliebe, Dana Wagner, Kevin Chan, Lisa Weissman-Ward, Stacy Tolchin, Jaime Rush, Vanessa Lane, Charles Hubert, Bryan Saalfield, Michael Jacobs, Dan Portillo, Lisa Wang, Randy Gertsbacher, Trevor Stordahl, Thanh Cao, John Rizzo and Xandra Castleton
$50 dollar suggested donation. Hors d'ouveres + cash Bar
Information: John O'Riordan oriordan@hotmail.com 415-264-8663
Potrero Hill Democratic Club State Senate Debate- Candidates Joe Alioto Veronese, Mark Leno, Carol Migden, Joe Nation. Moderator Philip DeAndrade. Potrero Hill Neighborhood House, 953 De Haro at Southern Heights, San Francisco. 7 p.m. Information: www.phdemclub.org 415-648-6740 - Joni Eisen, President
March 5, 2008 - Wednesday
* SPUR - BART'S General Manager on BART's future
When: March 5, 2008 Wednesday
12:30 to 1:30 p.m.
Where: 312 Sutter Street, Fifth Floor, S.F.
What: Meet Dorothy Dugger, BART's General Manager, and learn about her plans to continue to expand upon BART's role as the regions's most important regional transit carrier. $5. non-members
Information: 415-781-8725 info@spur.org
*San Francisco 4 Democracy Meeting
When: March 5, 2008 Wednesday
7 p.m.
Where: Schroeder's, 240 Front Street, San Francisco, Ca.
What: Discussion regarding Propositon 98 (anti-rent control) and Bayview Redevelopment issues on June ballot.
Information: 415-789-8008
March 5th through the 8th - Wednesday through Saturday
*5th Annual San Francisco Irish Film Festival
When: March 5, 6, 7 and 8th, 2008
Where: Roxie Theatre, 3117 16th Street (at Valencia) San Francisco
Information: 415-495-7380 ticketweb.com
March 6, 2008 - Thursday
*Support Families, expand the Rental Subsidy
When: March 6th, Thursday
11 a.m.
Where: City Hall Steps
What: Press Conference & Rally We won a rental subsidy program for the homeless families in San Francisco. Further demands:
1. Remove the arbitrary time limit and make the subsidy need-based.
2. Raise the monthly amount of the subsidy from $500 to $1,000.
Information for Housing First Campaign :
Coalition on Homeless (in the Tenderloin) at 415-346-3740
Chinatown Community Development center (in Chinatown) at 415-984-1468
Chinese Progressive Association (in Chinatown) at 415-391-6986 ext 301
SOMCAN (in SOMA) at 415-348-1945
St Peters Housing Committee (Mission) at 415-487-9208
Dee Dee Myers - "Why Women Should Run the World" Myers was appointed the White House press secretary for Clinton. She holds the distinction of being the first women and second-youngest person to occupy the position. Commonwealth Club 11:30 a.m. $15 non-members 595 Market Street, 2nd Floor S.F. Information: club@commonwealthclub.org
*Chinatown Community Development Center's 2nd Annual Lunar New Year Lunch
When: March 6, 2008 Thursday
12 noon to 2 p.m.
Where: New Asia Restaurant, 772 Pacific Avenue, S.F. (between Stockton St and Grant Avenue).
Individual Tickets $30. RSVP Jeanette Huie at 415-984-1462
What: Luncheon to celebrate Chinatown Community Developmet Center. Honorary Lunar New Year Lunch Committee: Public Defender Jeff Adachi, District Attorney Kamala Harris, Supervisor Aaron Peskin, Assessor Philip Ting, Cathy Cha, Guang Wu Chen, Christabel Cheung, Gregory Chin, Alton Chinn, Phil Chin, David Chiu, Amy Chung, Anni Chung, Michael Davis, Dorren Der-McLeod, Wilbert Din, Robert Edmundson, Anne Halsted, Qing Ho, Jane Kim, Karen Lam, Jerry Lee, Sue Lee, Winston Lee, Dan Leibsohn, Hayne Leung, allan Low, Dr. Rolland Lowe, Belinda Lyons, Eric Mar, Rose Pak, Vincent Pan, Diana Pang, Gloria So, Dean Ito Taylor, Millard and Alicia Tong, V. Fei Tsen, Brenda Yee.
Information: 415-567-2518
Panel: Housing in the New AIDS Generation - Commonwealth Club 595 Market Street, 2nd Floor, S.F. - 5:30 p.m. $15 non-members. Housing in the New AIDS Generation: Where we are now, and where are we going? Brian Basinger, Director, AIDS Housing Alliance/SF; Cecilia Chung, Deputy Director, Transgender Law Center and Human Rights Commissioner; Dan Bernal, District Director for Speaker Nancy Pelosi; Amy Tharpe, Deputy Director, Mayor's Office of Housing; Margot Antonetty, Director of Programs, San Francisco Department of Public Health - Housing and Urban Health. Information: club@commonwealthclub.org
* Event Postponed until March 27th State Senator Carole Migden - information to follow
NOPA Networking -( North of Panhandle Association)
When: March 6, 2008
6 to 8 p.m.
Where: Madrone Lounge (Divisadero at Fell).
What: Networking and fun. Joint friends and neighbors at Madrone Lounge. No cover charge. Look for for Kandace Kaylor and an area reserved for NOPNA.
Information: leela@nopna.org
The Past is Present: Six Decades of PCC Streetcar Service in San Francisco
When: March 6, 2008
6 to 7:30 p.m.
Where: San Francisco Main Library
100 Larkin Street (at Grove). S.F.
What: Special presentation that captures the robust transit service provided by streamlined streetcars from the 1950's through the 1980's. Angelo Figone will present rarely seen images of streetcars from public and private collections. Cosponsored by the San Francisco History Center
Information: 415-557-4400
March 6, 7, 2008 - Thursday, Friday
*Conference on the Criminalization of Proverty
When: 2 p.m to 5 p.m on Thursday and 9 am. to 6 p.m. on Friday
Where: Boat Hall, UC Berkeley
What: Symposium will provide a place to discuss the problems and launch an in-depth look at the impacts of this trend on poor people and the U.S. society as a whole. Co-sponsored by the Thelton E. Henderson Center for Social Justice, UC Berkeley
Information: Usree Bhattacharya at ubhattacharya@berkeley.ed or call 642-0813
Source: Tenderloin Futures Collaborative
March 7, 2008 - Friday -
*ABCT (A Better Chinatown Tomorrow) 5th Anniversary Celebration
When: March 7th, 2008, Friday
5 p.m. Meeting - 6 p.m. Dinner
Where: Far East Cafe, 618 Grant Avenue
What: Discussion supporting new Gateway at the beginning of Chinatown on Grant Avenue
Information: www.wilmapang.org 415-296-8701
International Women's Day Celebration & Art Exhibit opening reception: Women Empowered with Phil Borges. Co-sponsored with CARE, the League of Women Voters, the United Nations Association-East Bay Chapter, and the United Nations Association-San Francisco Chapter. $5.
When: March 7, 2008 Friday
6 to 8 p.m.
Where: World Affairs Council Second Floor Gallery and auditorium
312 Sutter Street, S.F.
*4th annual SNBC Community Film Festival -
When: March 7, 2008 - Friday
7 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Where: Ulloa Elementary School Auditorium, 3650 -42nd Ave & Vicente Street, S.F.
What: Selected community submissions and films produced by participants in Sunset Neighborhood Beacon Center's adult filmmaking programs. Free. Refreshments
Information: 415-759-3690 www.snbc.org
March 8, 2008 - Saturday
Wyoming Caucus
*Public Forum on Senator Leland Yee's Cow Palace bill
When: March 8, 2008 - Saturday
10 a.m.
Where:Visitacion Valley Community Center, 66 Raymond Avenue, S.F.
What: What do do with the Cow Palace?
Information: Adam Keigwin 916-651-4008 - Aide to State Senator Leland Yee
Sally Brunn Library Branch - Noe Valley Re-Opening
When: March 8, 2008 - Saturday
1 p.m.
Where: Noe Valley Branch Library
451 Jersey Street (at Castro)
What: Re-Opening of Library with Supervisor Bevan Dufty and City Librarian Luis Herrera
Crossroads Irish American Festival - The 2008 Crossroads Festival kicks off with a panel discussion on discovering heritage. Author Daniel Tobin and others will discuss the hidden and untold histories of the overlooked lives of activists, literary figures and other in Irish history as well as the importance of connecting with person and family histories. Main Library Koret Auditorium, 100 Larkin Street (at Grove). Saturday - 2 to 4 p.m. Information: www.irishamericancrossroads.org Source: San Francisco Library
"Brass Diva: The Life and Legends of Ethel Merman:- Author Carl Flinn will discuss his book. Release of this book coincides with the centennial of Merman's birth. Co-sponsored by the Gay and Lesbian Center. Main Library, 100 Larkin Street (at Grove). 4 to 5 p.m. Saturday, March 8th. 4 to 5 p.m. Latino/Hispanic Information: 415-557-4400
March 9, 2008 - Sunday
Milk Movie
When: March 9, 2008
from 8a.m. - time uncertain on Sunday Morning
What: Help re-create Gay Freedom Day 1978
Information: http://www.milkmarch.com to sign-up
The Capitol Steps
When: March 9, 2008
2 p.m. and 7 p.m.
Where: Jewish Community Center of San Francisco
3200 California Street, S.F.
What: Satirical comedy troupe. $48 Public Non-Members:
Information: 415-292-1233 info@jccsf.org
Fiona Ma - Birthday Celebration!
When: March 9, 2008
6:3o p.m.
Where: Yoshi's, 1330 Fillmore (at Eddy Street), S.F.
What: Join California Assembly Majority Whip Fiona Ma for a Birthday Celebration! Groove and dance to live music by Washington D.C. band Calisus (casual, festive attire). General Tickets: Friend $250.; Patron $500.
Host Committee: Jack Baylis, Jay Bharwad, Julie Brandt, Hon. John Burton, Mike Casey, Stefano Cassolato, Jeffrey J. Chang, Wen Ling Chen, Clem Clarke, Todd Clayter, Michael Colbruno, Linda Crayton, Tom Despain, Andrea Dew Steele, Coleen Dowling, Hon. Bevan Dufty, Mike Fang, Ted Fang, Chris Gruwell, Jim Hammer, Mike Hardeman, Dan Hellevig, James C. Hormel, Andrea Jackson, Michael Johnson, Henry Karnilowicz, Hon. Mark Leno, Meagan Levitan, Bruce MacRae, Lawrence Martin, Bob Morales, Gus Murad, Chong Park, Hon. Nicole Parra, John Pollard, Dick Robinson, Ahsha Safai, Hon. Gerarado Sandoval, Gary Saunders, Julie Soo, Michael Sweet, Sia Tabazhof, Hon. Phil Ting, Hon. Adrienne Tissier, Brook Turner, Alexis Wong, Johnson You, Nayor and Chu, CA Professional Firefighters, Genentech, Appllied Materials
Re-Elect Fiona Ma c/o Annie Eagan, 1364 San Mateo Avenue, South San Francisco, Ca. 94080
Information: fionaevents@gmail.com 415-269-5105
March 10, 2008 - Monday
*Alice B. Toklas LGBT Democratic Club meeting and endorsement vote
When: Monday March 10, 2008
6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Where: LGBT Community Center, 1800 Market Street @ Octavia.
What: Endorsement vote for June primary. There are a number of state and local initiatives and candidates on the upcoming ballot. Alice has already endorsed Mark Leno for Senate and Tom Ammiano for Assembly.
Note: Alice's PAC will meet the day prior to the endorsement vote on the 10th to make recommendations for the general membership. For those candidates and speakers of ballot initiatives who wish to participate, please email info@alicebtoklas.org and fill out the questionnaire on the website by Wednesday, March 5th.
March 11, 2008 - Tuesday
*United Educators San Francisco - Rally and March
When: March 11, 2008 - Tuesday
4 p.m.
Where: In front of the State Building at 4 p.m.
What: Join educators and parents across the state. Rally is a message to the Governor and the State Legislature that the educations cuts are absolutely unacceptable.
Information: 415-956-8373 www.uesf.org
Source: Left in San Francisco
March 12, 2008 - Wednesday
League of Women Voters - How the League Tackles Issues. Brown Bag conversation with California League of Women Voters immediate past president.
When: March 12, 2008 - Wednesday
Noon to 1:30 p.m.
Where: 582 Market Street, 6th Floor, S.F.
Information: www.sfvotes.org
SPUR - Annual Meeting
When: March 12, 2008
5:45 p.m.
Where: SPUR office
312 Sutter St., Suite 500
What: SPUR annual meeting. Adoption of next year's budget and election of new members to the SPUR Board of Directors. Meeting is open to the public.
New Members: Michaela Cassidy, Kelly Dearman, Gillian Gillete, John Madden, Mary McCue, Ezra Mersey, Chris Poland, Bill Rosetti, Michael Teltz, Michael Theriault and James Tracy
Returning Members: James Andrew, Andy Barnes, Gwyneth Borden, Pamela Brewster, Laurence Burnett, Emilio Cruz, Charmaine Curtis, Gia Daniller, Luisa Ezuerro, Frank Fudem, David Hartley, Jacinta McCann, Peter Mezey, Terry Micheaul, Dick Morten, Teresa Rea, Byron Rhett, Criss Romero, Jim Salinas, Sr., Victor Seeto, Chi-Hsin Shao
Information: info@spur.org 415-781-8726
*San Francisco Democratic Party Endorsement Meeting
When: March 12, 2008
5:30 interview
7 p.m. voting
Where: SEIU 1021, 350 Rhode Island, S.F. (note different address
What: Endorsement Meeting
Information: 415-626-1161
Russian Hill Neighbors St Patrick's Day Celebration
When: March 12, 2008 - Wednesday
7 p.m.
Where: O'Reilly's Holy Grail, 1233 Polk Street, S.F.
What: Join friends and neighbors as we celebrate St. Paddy's Day at Polk Street's Irish Pub and Restaurant. Dinner includes appetizer, choice of entree, dessert and a glass of wine. $40. (inclusive tax and tip). Send check made out to "Russian Hill Neighbors " by March 4th to Helen Doyle, 964 Greenwich St., S.F 94133
Information: 415-922-0442
March 13, 2008 - Thursday
E. J. Dionne: Souled Out
When: March 13, 2008 - Thursday
5:30 p.m.
Where: Commonwealth Club
595 Market Street, 2nd Floor
S.F. Ca.
What: E. J. Dionne, Senior Fellow, The Brookings Institution; syndicated columnist, The Washington Post; Professor, Georgetown University; author, "Souled Out". Wine and cheese reception, book signing. $18. non-members
Information: 415-597-6700 club@commonwealthclub.org
Northern District Police/Community Meeting
When: March 13, 2008 - Thursday
6 to 7 p.m.
Where: Northern Police Station Fillmore at Turk.
What: Work with police, city attorney and district attorney to find permanent solutions to ongoing safety issues. Captain Casciato
Information: 614-3400 or al.casciatao@sfgov.org
Mission Economic Development Agency - 35th Anniversary Celebration
When: March 13, 2008 - Thursday
6 p.m.
Information: Details to follow. www.medesf.org 415-282-3334 ext 18
Second Annual fundraiser for the Queer Youth Organizing Project (QYOP) Pride at Work.
When: March 13, 2008 - Thursday
Time: Unknown
Where: SEIU 102 offices at 350 Rhode Island, S.F.
What: Fundraiser honoring Pride at Work co-founder Howard Wallace for his lifetime of dedication to the labor, LGBT and anti-war movements. Refreshments, hors d'oeuvres and special surprise entertainment. Individual sponsorships are set at $100., tickets $35.
Information: Robert Haaland 415-861-0318
Source: Left in San Francisco
March 15th, 2008 - Saturday
156th Annual St Patrick's Day Parade and Festival
When: March 15th, 2008 Saturday
10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Where: Parade starts at the Corner of 2nd and Market Street. The Family Festival will be held at Civic Center Plaza and will include live music, face painting, food and world-class Beer Garden. Free. Civic Center Plaza Polk Street and Grove Street, S.F.
San Francisco for Democracy - Meeting on national single-payer health care plan (HR 676). This meeting will offer information on HR676, the plan introduced by Rep. John Conyers:
When: March 15, 2008, Saturday
3 to 5 p.m.
Where: To be announced
Information: communications@sf4democracy.com
Pre-Democratic Convention Endorsement Meeting
When: March 15th, 2008
Starts at 10 a.m.
Where: Air Transport Employees Lodge 1781 Rollins Road, Burlingame, Ca. 94010
Assembly 12 - Fiona MA
Assembly 13 - Tom Ammiano
Assembly 19 - Jerry Hill
Assembly 19 - Gina Papan
State Senator:
Senator 3:
Carole Migden
Joe Alioto Veronese
Philip Kranenburg
Mark Leno
Joe Nation
8:Nancy Pelosi
12: Maad Abu-Ghazalah
12: Jackie Speier
SD 03 will be up first.
Contact: August Longo
1 St. Francis Place #5309, S.F. Ca. 94107-1339
h -415-777.1314
conference secretary Judith Christensen
Rules on voting are complex. Go to www.cadem.org for latest information. Meeting open to public. Information could change:
Candidates need 70% of the votes cast to secure a place on the State Convention Consent Calendar. This is a public vote. A single roll call vote via signed written ballot, in the same form as the absentee ballot, shall be taken. If you cannot attend the conference in person, the VBM ballot in voter packet must be mailed or delivered only to the Regional Convener responsible for the district. VBM ballots which are late or are delivered to the wrong Regional Convener are not valid. Once received by the designated Regional Convener, a ballot, absentee or otherwise, may not be retracted, rescinded, or otherwise changed and shall be counted in the totals. Proxy voting is not allowed.
The names of the voters for each district will be read aloud and the conference secretary will read the vote cast in accordance with the signed vote-by-mail ballot that was received by the Regional Convener.
At the end of the roll call, the votes for each candidate and for "no endorsement" will be tallied.
Should a candidate receive the 70% of the vote, s/he will be recommended candidate for endorsement. Such recommendations will go on the Consent Calendar to be ratified at the State Convention on Sunday, March 30, 2008, at the San Jose Convention Center.
If no candidate receives the required 70%, the conference shall have taken the position of "no recommendation" for endorsement.
If one candidate received over 50% for a district, the race will go to the caucuses held during the March convention.
March 16, 2008, Sunday
Sunday lunch to Save Rent Control - You and your friends are invited to enjoy Sunday lunch with Supervisor Tom Ammiano, Supervisor Aaron Peskin, State Senator Carole Migden and Assemblyman Mark Leno. Co-Hosts: Richard Hansen, Richmond District Democrats; Rafael Mandelman, Harvey Milk LGBT Democrats; David Campos, Robert Haaland, Joan Simmons, Jeanne Maher, Pam Brennan, Esther Marks and Gimmy Park Li. ( I believe this is a fundraiser)
When: March 16, 2008 - Sunday
2 to 4 p.m.
Where: Lunch at Agar Jaicks', 62 Woodland Ave., S.f
Dessert, coffee and conversation at Jane Morrison's, 44 Woodland Ave, S.F
March 28 - 30, 2008 Friday through Sunday
California Democratic Party Convention - San Jose Convention Center - Information: www.cadem.org
*New Items
Information changes - please check event's information before attending
Calendar Items: Email: mission2894@gmail.com
If you have problems subscribing, let me know .