July 6, 2015 - Monday
San Francisco Youth Commission
When: July 6, 2015 - Monday
5:15 to 8:00 p.m.
Where: City Hall, Room 416, San Francisco
Commissioners: Jillian Wu, Lily Marshall-Fricker, Rosa Chen, Emily Guo, Luis Avalos Nunez, Precious Listana, Joyce Wu, Noah David, Alex Berliner, E'mani Davis, Joshua Cardenas, Michel Li, Anna Bernick, Sophie Edelhart, David Zheng
Information: sfbos.org
SF Transit Riders (SFTRU) - Transit Action Committee (TAC) meeting
When: July 6, 2015 - Monday
5:30 p.m.
Where: Church St Cafe, 260 Church Street, San Francisco
What: Discussion where to go from here, ideas and planning, creating subcommittees on causes you care about.
Information: sftransitriders.org info@sftru.org
July 7, 2015 - Tuesday
San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency Board of Directors and Parking Authority Commission
When: July 7, 2015 - Tuesday
1:00 p.m.
Where: City Hall, Room 400, San Francisco
Board of Directors: Tom Nolan, Cheryl Brinkman, Gwyneth Borden, Malcolm Heinicke, Joel Ramos, Cristina Rubke
Information: sfmta.com
Board of Supervisors
When: July 7, 2015 - Tuesday
2:00 p.m.
Where: City Hall, Room 250, San Francisco
Supervisors: London Breed, John Avalos, David Campos, Julie Christensen, Malia Cohen, Mark Farrell, Jane Kim, Eric Mar, Katy Tang, Scott Wiener, Norman Yee
Information: sfbos.org
Potrero Hill Democratic Club - Black Lives Matter - Panel/conversation
When: July 7, 2015 - Tuesday
7:00 p.m.
Where: Potrero Hill Democratic Club, 953 De Haro Street, San Francisco
Rheum Calloway - Causa Justa::Just Cause
Steven Cook - CEO of Mission Bit
Joe Marshall - San Francisco Police Commission
Thea Matthews - Black Lives Matter Movement
Vanessa Moses - Bay Area Police Watch/Causa Justa::Just Cause
Maxine Anderson - (Moderator)
After the program:
Tim Hester of Save Rincon Park, (bow-and arrow) Park, concerning waterfront high-rise luxury towers at 160 Folsom and 75 Howard that would cast shadows on Rincon Park and the Embarcadero Promenade
Brent Turner - CA Association of Voting Officials, concerning support of Supervisor Wiener's resolution to move toward implementation of open source voting in San Francisco: a more transparent system, more easily verified by the public
Motion to change bylaws to lower PHDC's 60% endorsement threshold for multi-seat races where candidates do not need a majority of votes on election day to win (motion and second only; discussion and vote at August meeting)
Information: PHDemClub.org
July 8, 2015 - Wednesday
Budget and Finance Sub-Committee
When: July 8, 2015 - Wednesday
10:00 a.m.
Where: City Hall, Room 250, San Francisco
Supervisors: Mark Farrell, Katy Tang, Eric Mar
Information: sfbos.org
Supervisor Eric Mar - Art Reception and Exhibit work of the seniors at Richmond Senior Center
When: July 8, 2015 - Wednesday
4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Where: City Hall, Supervisor Eric Mar's office, Room 284, San Francisco
What: Light refreshments, creative seniors, fabulous art.
Information: eric.l.mar@sfgov.org
Police Commission
When: July 8, 2015 - Wednesday
5:30 p.m.
Where: City Hall, Room 400, San Francisco
Commissioners: Suzy Loftus, Julius Turman, Joe Marshall, Petra DeJesus, Victor Hwang, Thomas Mazzucco, Sonia E. Melara
Information: sanfranciscopolice.org
Summer in the City
When: July 8, 2015 - Wednesday
6:00 p.m.
Where: Chambers eat + drink, 601 Eddy Street, San Francisco
What: San Francisco Women's Political Committee. or d'oeuvres, no host bar and socializing with local leaders and advocates.
Women of the City College Board: Thea Selby, Amy Bacharach, Brigitte Davila, Bouchra Simmons, Shanell Williams
Sponsors: David Chiu, Phil Ting, Recology, Nick Josefowitz, Alex Randolph, Ground Floor Public Affairs, MJM Management Group NARA Pro-Choice California, Peter and Sarah Lauterborn, Viva Mogi, Jeff Adachi, Matt Haney, Ross Mirkarimi, Rebecca Prozan, Wendy Aragon, Tom Temprano, 50+1 Strategies LLC, Democratic Women in Action, Good Ol'Girls, The Henry Levy Group, Women Get it Done, Jason Fried, Elizabeth Laferriere, Michael Tong
Tickets: $15. members, $35. non-members (includes year membership)
secure.actblue.com sfwpc.org
Source: Facebook events
Latinos Unidos Democratic Club - Inaugural meeting - Kick-Off meeting and Q&A with District Attorney George Gascon
When: July 8, 2015 - Wednesday
6:30 p.m. to 7:45 p.m.
Where: Mission Hiring Hall, 3080 16th Street, San Francisco
What: Latinos Unlidos Democratic Club - general membership kick-off meeting with District Attorney, George Gascon.
$20 for an annual members, $10. for students, seniors and those with disabilities and free membership for union members with a valid union membership card.
Source: Facebook events
Tenant Bootcamp - Fillmore
When: July 8, 2015 - Wednesday
7:00 p.m.
Where: West Bay Conference Center, 1290 Fillmore Street, San Francisco
What: Tenant Bootcamp San Francisco Tenants Union and tenant expert Dean Preston. Free Renters rights workshop. Know-your-rights presentation, followed by an opportunity for renters to ask questions and connect with tenant counselors.
Information/RSVP: kyle@tenantbootcamp.org tenantbootcamp.org
Source: email from D5 Action (thank you!)
July 9, 2015 - Thursday
Government Audit and Oversight Committee
When: July 9, 2015 - Thursday
10:30 a.m.
Where: City Hall, Room 250, San Francisco
Supervisors: Norman Yee, Julie Christensen, London Breed
Information: sfbos.org
Rules Committee
When: July 9, 2015 - Thursday
11:00 a.m.
Where: City Hall, Room 263, San Francisco
Supervisors: John Avalos, Katy Tang, Malia Cohen
Information: sfbos.org
SPUR - Gordon Chin
When: July 9, 2015 - Thursday
12:30 p.m.
Where: SPUR Urban Center, 654 Mission Street, San Francisco
What: Gordon Chin discusses his new book "Building Community, Chinatown Style" - tells the story of generations of young activist leaders who have transformed San Francisco Chinatown for the better.
Gordon Chin, V. Fei Tsen - Tsen & Associates/SPUR Board of Directors
$10. for non members
Information: spur.org
Campaign for a Healthy California - Winner and Losers after Reform: Race, Class and Immigration in the Struggle for Healthcare Justice
When: July 9, 2015 - Thursday
6:00 p.m.
Where: Bayanihan Community Center, 1010 Mission Street, San Francisco
What: On the heels of healthcare reform we are seeing many of the unintended consequences hit hardest in those communities that need access to healthcare the most.
Talk with Ron Coleman, Government Affairs Manager from the California Immigrant Policy Center and former Legislative and Policy Director ACORN and most recently with ACCE.
Moderated by Martha Kuhl, RN, Treasurer of California Nurses Association
Sponsored by: Campaign for a Healthy California, Jobs with Justice SF
Source: Facebook events
Information: HealthyCaliforniaCampaign.org info@HealthyCaliforniaCampaign.org
San Francisco Young Democrats Sheriff Candidates Forum
When: July 9, 2015 - Thursday
6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Where: Infusion Lounge, 124 Ellis Street, San Francisco
What: San Francisco Young Democrats Sheriff Candidates Forum with Ross Mirkarimi and Vicki Hennessy.
Candidates will there to address SFYD members to speak about their views on public safety, incarceration and civil rights.
Information: sfyd.org
Source: Facebook events
Tenant Bootcamp - Fillmore
When: July 9, 2015 - Thursday
7:00 p.m.
Where: West Bay Conference Center, 1290 Fillmore Street, San Francisco
What: Tenant Bootcamp San Francisco Tenants Union . Free Renters rights workshop. Know-your-rights presentation, followed by an opportunity for renters to ask questions and connect with tenant counselors.
Information/RSVP: kyle@tenantbootcamp.org tenantbootcamp.org
Source: email from D5 Action (thank you!)
July 10, 2015 - Friday
When: July 10, 2015 - Friday
10:00 a.m.
Where: City Hall, Room 416, San Francisco
What: 5 Fulton Rapid Project includes transit priority and pedestrian safety proposals along Fulton and McAllister Streets that will make it safer for people walking and increase the reliability of Muni. A Public Hearing will be held on July 10 for interested community members to provide additional feedback on the project.
Information: sfmta.com
Rules Committee
When: July 10, 2015 - Friday
10:00 a.m.
Where: City Hall, Room 263, San Francisco
Supervisors: John Avalos, Katy Tang, Malia Cohen
Information: sfbos.org
July 11, 2015 - Saturday
Assemblymember David Chiu's District 10 Community
When: July 11, 2015 - Saturday
11:00 a.m. to 12:30
Where: CCSF Southeast Center, Alex L. Pitcher Jr. Commuunity Room, 1800 Oakdale Avenue, San Francisco
What: Assemblymember Chiu will be teaming up with Supervisor Malia Cohen for the first in a series of district-focused community forums. Bayview Hunters Point, Visitation Valley, Potrero Hill and the Dogwatch to hear about the work Assemblymember Chiu has been doing in Sacramento and give feedback.
Potrero Hill Democratic Club is a co-host.
RSVP: genesis.garcia@asm.ca.gov
Source: Potrero Hill Democratic Club email
July 12, 2015 - Sunday
Sunday Streets in the Tenderloin
When: July 12, 2015 - Sunday
11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Where: Tenderloin, San Francisco Fulton Street between Hyde and Larkin, Larkin to Ellis Streets, Ellis to Jones St., Jones to Golden Gate Ave. and Golden Gate Ave. to Larkin Street, San Francisco
Information: sundaystreetssf.com
Please email events, comments or questions to lindapost2000@comcast.net
You may also follow sanfranciscofyi on twitter.com/chesedanish or follow on Facebook - Linda Post
Important: Items change - please check before attending event for any changes.
Next calendar will be - Monday July 13th
Deadline 5:00 p.m. - Sunday July 12th