I will continue to post events on Facebook - but it will be up to you to keep track of information. I encourage everyone to share information on Facebook. You can find me under Facebook under the name Linda Post
I have been doing this blog for ten years - 585,687 people have read my blog - I am almost 70 years! Time to slow down.
January 3, 2017 - Tuesday
Potrero Hill Democratic Club - Fighting Back - Building from the wreckage of 11/8 - The Trump Resistance
When: January 3, 2017 - Tuesday
7:00 p.m.
Where: Potrero Hill Neighborhood House, 953 De Haro Street, San Francisco
What: Guest speakers and PHDem Club board members will discuss practical actions to build the Trump resistance. Discussion includes:
Women's March on January 21st
Potential opportunities for daily advocacy.
Particular issues you want to address this year.
Working with allies.
Information: phdemclub.org
January 4, 2017 - Wednesday
Board of Trustees of City College of San Francisco - Swearing-in Ceremony
When: January 4, 2017 - Wednesday
4:00 p.m.
Where: City College of San Francisco, Ocean Campus, 50 Phelan, Multi-Use Building, Assembly Room 140, San Francisco
What: Swearing-in Ceremony recognizing:
Rafael Mandelman
Alex Randolph
Tom Temprano
Shanell Williams
Light refreshments will be served after the ceremony.
RSVP: 415-239-3303
Source: Email
Shanell Williams Swearing in Ceremony and After Party
When: January 4, 2017 - Wednesday
4:00 p.m.
Where: City College, Ocean Campus Multi-use Building Room 140 , San Francisco
What: Shanell Williams swearing in to the City College Board of Trustees.
After party 6:00 p.m. at Evil Eye - 2937 Mission Street, between Caesar Chavez and 25th Street, San Francisco
RSVP/QUESTIONS: 415-375-1069
Source: Facebook events
SF Berniecrats January Action Meeting
When: January 4, 2017 - Wednesday
6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Where: San Francisco Public Library Park Branch, 1833 Page Street, San Francisco
What: We're working with a broad SF-based coalition to combat the Trump administration.
Join SF Berniecrats as they lay out steps to:
Retake the Democratic party through ADEM elections on January 8.
Participate in a nation-wide protest agains the incoming Trump administration.
Ensure that SF stays progressive despite any national changes:
Information: sfberniecrats@gmail.com
Source: Facebook events
January 5, 2017 - Thursday
San Francisco School Board - Celebration of Installation of Matt Haney, Rachel Norton, Stevon Cook, Mark Sanchez
When: January 5, 2017 - Thursday
6:00 p.m.
Where: Tenderloin Community School, 627 Turk Street, San Francisco
What: You and your family are most cordially invited to join the newly election members to the San Francisco School Board - Matt Haney, Rachel Norton, Stevon Cook, Mark Sanchez
After event there will be a party at Emperor Norton's Boozeland, 510 Larkin Street (a couple blocks from Tenderloin Community School) for all the folks who got elected this time to the school board: Mark Sanchez, Matt Haney, Stevon Cook and Rachel Norton
Source: Mailed invitation!
Take Back the Party Rally
When: January 5, 2017 - Thursday
7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Where: Slate Bar, 2926 16th Street, San Francisco
What: Meet the Assembly District 17 Reform candidates before the Assembly District Elections Meeting on January 8, 2017. A night of entertainment, music and a chance to talk to the candidates.
Reform slate:
Alysabeth Alexander-Tut
Angeles Roy
Davi Lang
Deepa Varma
Lila Rodriguez Ruiz
Mia Satya
Yayne Abeba
Ben Becker
Christopher Vasquez
Peter Gallotta
Rafael Trujillo
Reid Chalker
Tom Gallagher
Wade Woods
Source: Facebook events
January 7, 2017 - Saturday
Mass Meeting: SF United Against Trump
When: January 7, 2017 - Saturday
1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Where: The Women's Building, 3543 18th Street, San Francisco
What: Come to a Mass Meeting: SF United Against Trump.
Panel discussion, A Speakout, and Making Plans to Fight Back.
Defend minorities and women's rights
Stand together against hate
No deportations, No Muslim registry
Defense civil liberties and workers' rights.
Defend public education and health programs.
Panelists will discuss how Trumps's proposed attacks will affect their communities and all of us, and how we can fight back.
Then the floor will be open for discussion. Help build solidarity to defend each other from bigotry, hate, and extreme austerity and poverty. Find out about upcoming actions, particularly January 20 and 21 inauguration actions, and help plan future actions or vents.
Information: facebook.com/groups/sfunidedagainstrump
Source: Facebook events
Agar Jaicks Memorial
When: January 7, 2017 - Saturday
2:00 p.m.
Where: Delancey Street Foundation, 600 The Embarcadero, San Francisco
What: A memorial service for Agar Jaicks, 93, who died on October 25, 2016.
In lieu of flowers, donations in Agar's name may be made to the Haight-Ashbury Food Program, P. O. Box 170202, San Francisco
Source: Facebook events
January 8, 2017 - Sunday
AD 17 Assembly District Delegate Election including Executive Board (David Chiu)
When: January 8, 2017 - Sunday
Doors Open: 9:30 a.m.
Candidate Speeches begin at 10:00 a.m.
Registration and Voting Begin: 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. (you have to be in line at 12:30 p.m. to vote)
Where: Local 261 International Laborers Union Hall, 3271 18th Street, San Francisco
What: AD 17 Assembly District Delegate Election:
Onsite Phone: 415-370-7091
Information: cadem.org
AD 19 Assembly District Delegate Election Including Executive Board (Phil Ting)
When: January 8, 2017 - Sunday
1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Candidate Speeches begin 30 minutes before registration
Registration begins 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m
Where: Doelger Cafe, 101 Lake Merced Blvd., Daly City, Ca.
Onsite phone: 650-991-8001
Information: cadem.org
Hillary Ronen - Volunteer Appreciation Party and Swearing-In
When: January 8, 2017 - Sunday
1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Where: Mission Neighborhood Centers, Inc., 362 Capp Street, San Francisco
What: Hillary Ronen will be sworn in as the next Supervisor in District 9. Celebration and thank you to all the volunteers. Food and drink.
Source: Facebook events
Celebrate D11 Supervisor Ahsha Safai Swearing in
When: January 8, 2017 - Sunday
2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Where: City Hall, San Francisco
Source: Facebook events
Swearing in Ceremony for Sandra Lee Fewer
When: January 8, 2017 - Sunday
4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
4:15 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Swearing-in Ceremony
4:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Reception
Where: Golden Gate Park Senior Center, 6101 Fulton Street, San Francisco
What: Join Supervisor-elect Sandra Lee Fewer at her swearing-in ceremony followed by a reception.
Oath of office will be conducted by Assemblymember Phil Ting.
Source: Facebook events
January 9, 2017 - Monday
Board of Supervisors - Inaugural Meeting
When: January 9, 2017 - Monday
(details not posted yet)
Information: sfbos.org
January 10, 2017 - Tuesday
Board of Supervisors - next regularly scheduled meeting
When: January 10, 2017 - Tuesday
(details not posted yet)
Information: sfbos.org
Alliance for a Better District 6 Annual Board Meeting
When: January 10, 2017 - Tuesday
6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Where: Alexander Residence, 230 Eddy Street, San Francisco
What: ABD6 Annual Board Meeting:
Nomination Committee Report
Election of Board Members
Annual Reports
The Hall presentation, 1028 Market Street Presentation
Geary BRT Environmental Impact Report
Source: Facebook events
January 11, 2017 - Wednesday
San Francisco Young Democrats - Election of Executive Board for 2017
When: January 11, 2017 - Wednesday
6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Where: Infusion Lounge, 124 Ellis Street, San Francisco
What: Elections for Executive Board for 2017.
Board candidates are:
President: Angeles Roy
Internal Vice President - Rachel Reis
External Vice President - Erin Mundy
Treasurer - Nicole Lindler
Secretary - Mia Satya
Information: sfyd.org
Source: Facebook events
January 16, 2017 - Monday
Martin Luther King Day
2017 MLK Labor and Community Breakfast Honoring Dolores Huerta
When: January 16, 2017 - Monday
8:00 a.m.
Where: Marriott Marquis, 780 Mission Street, San Francisco
What: 2017 MLK Labor and Community Breakfast honoring Dolores Huerta with the Willie B. Kennedy Award.
Tickets: $100.
Seats are limited. Reservations accepted until the event is sold out.
Contact Emily Nelson to reserve seats via email at emily@sflaborcouncil.org or 415-440-4809
You can also register at eventbrite.com
Source: email from San Francisco Labor Council
January 19, 2017 - Thursday
South Beach D6 Democratic Club's 2017 Annual Winter Social
When: January 19, 2017 - Thursday
7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Where: SB40, The Embarcadero, Pier 40, San Francisco
What: Come celebrate with South Beach D6 Democratic Club as they start 2017 with their Annual Winter Social.
Information: southbeachdems@gmail.com
Source: Facebook events
January 20, 2017 - Friday
I don't want to talk about it!!!!
This is my last calendar. I will be posting items from time to time.
Thank you for all your support and help.
Happy New Year