December 1, 2009 - Tuesday
Don't Let Them Downsize St Luke's
When: December 1, 2009 - Tuesday
4 to 6 p.m.
Where: Outside St. Luke's Hospital, intersection of Cesar Chavez and Valencia, San Francisco
What: Join clergy and religious leaders in a vigil in support of the community hospital and its nurses. Sutter/CPMC plans to slash St Luke's Hospital to one-third its current size and to close long-term care units for Medicare and Medi-cal patients.
Information: ngreen@calnurses.org
*Book Passage - Broke Ass Stuart's Guide to Living
When: December 1, 2009 - Tuesday
6 p.m.
Where: Ferry Building, San Francisco
What: Broke Ass Stuart will read and talk about his book "Broke Ass Stuart's Guide to Living Cheaply in San Francisco".
Information: booksinc.net
*Harvey Milk LGBT Democratic Club - PAC Meeting
When: December 1, 2009 - Tuesday
7 p.m.
Where: LGBT Center, 1800 Market Street,
What: PAC meeting with a visit from four "new" Supervisors (Supervisors Avalos, Campos, Chiu and Mar) who were elected last November will discuss the successes, the challenges and what we should expect in 2010.
Information: Bobbie Lopez@pac@milkclub.org
*City Lights Bookseller & Publishers
When: December 1, 2009 - Tuesday
7 p.m.
Where: City Lights Bookstore, 261 Columbus, San Francisco
What: David Hilliard and Fredrika Newson discuss new release of Huey Newton's classic collection of his writings and speeches.
Information: citylights.com
Potrero Hill Democratic Club - Social gathering
When: December 1, 2009 - Tuesday
7 p.m.
Where: Potrero Hill Neighborhood House, 953 De Haro Street, San Francisco
What: Social gathering, a potluck with no particular agenda other than tossing around ideas for the coming year.
Potrero Hill Democratic Club is collecting for the Food Bank. Most needed donations: canned tuna, meats, fruit and vegetables; soups, stews, and chili; rice and pasta; peanut butter; cereal.
Information: phdemclub.org
December 2, 2009 - Wednesday
*Rally in Support of Health Care Reform
When: December 2, 2009 - Wednesday
Noon to 1 p.m.
Where: City Hall, San Francisco
What: Physicians and Advocates urge California Senators to oppose Abortion coverage Ban (Stupak-Pitts Amendment) in Health Reform.
Information: libby@prch.org
*Emergency Protest Against the War in Afghanistan
When: December 2, 2009 - Wednesday
5 to 7 p.m.
Where: Powell & Market, San Francisco
What: An emergency protest against the escalating U.S., NATO war in Afghanistan. Call for protest actions have been issued by A.N.S.W.E.R Coalition, World Can't Wait, United for Peace and Justice, Veterans for Peace, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Military Families Speak Out, National Assembly, National Campaign for Nonviolent Resistance, Pledge of Resistance and Voices for Creative Nonviolence.
Information: 415-821-6545
*California Music and Culture Association Meeting
When: December 2, 2009 - Wednesday
5 p.m.
Where: Mezzanine, 444 Jessie Street, San Francisco
What: California Music and Culture Association (CMCA) is hosting a meeting of nightlife, entertainment and culture stakeholders. Discussion on recent law enforcement actions (ABC & SFPD) that are impacting the nightlife industry and CMCA's strategies to organize. The Association's objective is to work towards the adoption of fair regulations, ordinances, and legislation that permit businesses to thrive . The CMCA's interim Board of Directors will present an update on the Association's development and progress thus far, including a history of the events that led to the CMCA's formation, the CMCA's mission and goals, and information on CMCA membership benefits.
*Tree of Hope Lighting Ceremony
When: December 2, 2009 - Wednesday
5:30 to 8 p.m.
Where: City Hall Rotunda, San Francisco
What: Mayor Gavin Newsom, Jennier Siebel Newsom and Rainbow World Fund invite you to make a wish and come to a party at City Hall. The Tree of Hope, is created as a way to inspire hope and encourage people to really think about what they would like for the future of the world.
5:30 p.m. - Concert by the San Francisco Boys Chorus
6:00 p.m. - Tree lighting celebration. Rev. Nobu Hanaoka will deliver a message of hope.
6:30 p.m. Veronica Klaus will perform at a party to follow until 8 p.m.
*San Francisco Police Commission
When: December 2, 2009 - Wednesday
5:30 p.m.
Where: City Hall, Room 400, San Francisco
What: Weekly meeting. Items off agenda:
Public Comment, Chief's Report - update on significant policing efforts by Department members.
Presentation of the Department's 90-day progress review.
Information: 415-553-1667
*San Francisco Unified School District - Student Assignment Redesign
When: December 2, 2009 - Wednesday
6 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Where: Washington High School, 600-32nd Avenue, San Francisco
What: The San Francisco Board of Education is changing the way students are assigned to schools for 2011. Learn about the options under consideration and share your questions and ideas.
Information: sfusd.edu/studentassignmentredesign
*CancelledOrganizing Locally: Using new media to win on Immigration
When: Cancelled December 2, 2009 - Wednesday
6 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Where: CancelledWorld Affairs Council, 312 Sutter Street, Suite 200, San Francisco
What: Begin to strategize now about how to organize around key issues. Join Netroots Nation for a discussion on the role online and offline activists can play, particularly on a local level, in the upcoming battle to pass CIR.
Moderator: Jenifer Fernandez Ancona
Paul Hogarth - Beyond Chron
Bobbie Lopez - community activist
Christopher Punongbayan of the Asian Law Caucus
Favianna Rodriguez of Presente.org
Co-Hosted by Good Ol' Girls and Presente.org
RSVP bit.ly/3VyfGy
Information: netrootsnation.org/node/1357
*Michela Alioto-Pier - Candidate for California Insurance Commissioner
When: December 2, 2009 - Wednesday
6:30 p.m.
Where: 1100 Sacramento Street, Apt. 908, San Francisco
What: Reception in support of Michela Alioto-Pier, candidate for California Insurance Commissioner.
Hosts: Michele and Joseph Alioto with Jessica Berg, Evette Davis, Sarah De Sanz, Paul Holm, Jenna and Bryan Hunt, David Kensington, Letitia and Michael Kim, Shirley Robinson, Von Karl, Chip Zecher. Individual: $250.
RSVP: actblue.com/page/122
San Francisco for Democracy - What is the Future of the Us Involvement in Afghanistan?
When: December 2, 2009 - Wednesday
7 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Where: Schroeder's German Restaurant, 240 Front Street, San Francisco
What: Discussion on the way forward in Afghanistan, from the viewpoint of the U.S. military, politics and the impact of the people of Afghanistan. Panelists:
Dr. John Arquilla, professor and director of the Information Center, Department of Defense Analysis at the Naval Postgraduate School and advisor to President Bush and the Obama presidential campaign.
Sahmsia Razahi, Vice President/Chief Operating Officer of Omeld International, a non-profit organization dedicated to caring for orphaned children of the Afghan war.
Maziar Behrooz, San Francisco State University History and Political Science professor.
Wali Ahmadi, U.C. Berkeley Professor of Persian & Afghan literature and Middle Eastern Studies, and a native of Afghanistan.
Key questions to be addressed:
Should the U.S. send more troops? If so, how many is enough ?
Should the U.S. pull out sooner rather than later?
What is the cost in lives and dollars to whatever strategy we choose next?
What does "winning" mean in 2010?
What is our obligation to the people of Afghanistan and how do the Afghans feel about America and Americans?
Information: sf4dem.com
Noe Valley Democratic Club - President of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors David Chiu
When: December 2, 2009 - Wednesday
7:30 p.m.
Where: St Philips Church, 725 Diamond Street, San Francisco
What: Discussion with David Chiu
Information: Molly Fleischman molly@ffrsf.com
December 3, 2009 - Thursday
"Good Morning America" - Live from San Francisco's Union Square
When: December 3, 2009 - Thursday
4 a.m. to 6 a.m. (this is not a typo!)
Where: San Francisco's Union Square
What: GMA would like a crowd of 1,000. Part of "Sam Champion Lights Up America". Performance by Beach Blanket Babylon.
Geneva Car Barn Update - Final community meeting
When: December 3, 2009 - Thursday
4 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Where: Balboa High School, 1000 Cayuga Avenue, San Francisco
What: Final community meeting regarding historical landmark.
Information: Chinaka Hodge chodge@genevacarbarn.org
Edmund G. Brown, Jr.
When: December 3, 2009 - Thursday
5:30 to 7:30 p.m.
Where: Tosca Cafe, 242 Columbus Avenue, San Francisco
What: Cocktail reception honoring Edmund G. Brown Jr.
Sponsors: Jeremiah F. Hallisey, Steve Westly, George Marcus, Jim Kellogg and Robert L. Balgenorth
Information: Jeremiah F. Hallisey jfhallisey@h-jlaw.com
Clean Slate Programs 10th Anniversary - Dinner Reception
When: December 3, 2009 - Thursday
5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Where: Westbay Conference Center, 1290 Fillmore Street, San Francisco
What: Clean Slate Program was started in 199 by Public Defender Jeff Adachi. Clean Slate provides ongoing legal representation to help individuals clear up their criminal records so that they can restore and improve theirlives.
Auda Okutania, Program Manager for Arriba Juntos
Toye Moses, Executive Director for Southeast Community Center
Reginaldo Woods, Executive Director for Up From Darkness
Sharen Hewitt, Executive Director for C.L.A.E.R. New Village Community Center
RSVP: Free. Registration is required. sfpublicdefender.org/media/2009/11/sf-public-defenders-office-clean-slate-10th-anniversary-celebration
*Inner Sunset holiday party
When: December 3, 2009 - Thursday
6 to 9 p.m.
Where: SF County Fair Building, 9th Avenue at Lincoln Way, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco
What: Inner Sunset Merchant Association and Inner Sunset Park Neighbors (ISPN) invite you to join neighbors and friends to celebrate a great year in the Inner Sunset.
Great food from Inner Sunset restaurants, door prizes and entertainment. Open to all Inner Sunset residents and kids!
*Josh Becker for Assembly District 21 SF Kickoff
When: December 3, 2009 - Thursday
6 to 8 p.m.
Where: 2 Mint Plaza, Suite 501, San Francisco
What: You are invited to the San Francisco Kick off in support of Josh Becker - Democratic Candidate for State Assembly District 21.
Founder and General Partners, New Cycle Capital
Founder and Chair, Full Circle Fund
Founder, Freedom Prize Foundation
Board of Trustees, UC Merced
Co-Founder and Board of Directors, Clean Economy Network
Host Committee: Ian Thompson, Ian Johnstone, Steven Lurie, Melanie Nutter, Gary Kremen, Hala Hijazi, Rahul Prakash, Anna Binder, Mike Anders
RSVP rahulsprakash@gmail.com
Excelsior Community Forum Series - Jobs
When: December 3, 2009 - Thursday
6 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Where: Ocean Avenue Presbyterian Church, 32 Ocean Avenue, San Francisco
What: Forum on Jobs.
Information: eagsf.org
Citizen Effect San Francisco Launch Event
When: December 3, 2009 - Thursday
6 to 9 p.m.
Where: Ambassador, 673 Geary Street, San Francisco
What: New, innovative micro philanthropy nonprofit. The idea that anyone can make a real and significant impact in the world. Mission is to provide everyday citizens the tools and networks they need to work directly with communities in need around the world.
Information and to order tickets: citizeneffect-efbevent.eventbrite.com
*District Three Democratic Club - Holiday Party
When: December 3, 2009 - Thursday
6:30 p.m.
Where: The Vin Club, 515 Broadway (between Columbus & Kearny), San Francisco
What: District Three's Holiday Party. Great food and wine. District Three Democratic Club will be honoring:
- John Barnes, D3DC Recording Secretary for the past five years.
- Norman Rolfe, D3DC Municipal Transportation expert and long time active D3DC member.
Information: d3dc.org
*Mission Local Photo Show & Auction
When: December 3, 2009 - Thursday
7 p.m. to 11 p.m.
Where: L's Cafe, 2871 24th Street (between Bryant and Florida) San Francisco
What: Missionlocal.org, an on-line news site covering the San Francisco Mission District invites you to a photo exhibit and auction. This is your chance to buy original art, support community journalism and meet the Mission Loc@l team.
Mission Loc@l has started posing stories on SF Gate's local page, also an insert in El Tecolote Newspaper.
Information: Missionlocal.org
*Malia Cohen - New Year, New Leadership
When: December 3, 2009 - Thursday
7 p.m. to 10 p.m.
Where: Lingba Lounge, 1469 18th Street, San Francisco
What: 2010 is an opportunity for new voices to be heard, new priorities to take precedent and new opportunities for District 10. Come toast and celebrate with Malia Cohen, candidate for Supervisor in District 10. In lieu of gifts, suggestion of $32. contribution for each guest.
Books Inc. - Gerald Nachman
When: December 3, 2009 - Thursday
7 p.m.
Where: Books Inc. in the Opera Plaza, 601 Van Ness Avenue, San Francisco
What: Gerald Nachman discusses "Right Here on Our Stage Tonight" - history of the Ed Sullivan Show. (Gerald Nachman books are wonderful!).
Information: booksinc.net
Book launch for "Wherever There's A Fight"
When: December 3, 2009 - Thursday
7 to 9 p.m.
Where: Modern Times Bookstore, 888 Valencia Street, San Francisco
What: Account of the struggle to develop and protect right in California. Authors Elaine Elinson and Stan Yogi will discuss their book "Wherever There'a A Fight".
December 4, 2009 - Friday
*San Francisco Women's Holiday Party 2009
When: December 4, 2009 - Friday
6 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Where: Lot 46 Nightclub and Lounge, 46 Geary Street, San Francisco
What: San Francisco Women's Political Committee Holiday Party in collaboration with Good Ol' Girls, Emerge California, Filipina Women's Network and NARAL Pro-Choice California invite you to holiday party. Celebrate the Year of the Woman!
Sponsored by:
Platinum Advisors, Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Congresswoman Jackie Speier, State Senator Leland Yee, Hope Road Consulting, BergDavis Public Affairs, The California Group, Laura Spanjian, Rebecca Prozan, Debra Walker, Mary Silver and Bonnie Jean von Krogh
Information: actblue.com/page/sfwhp2009
*A Good Idea - 24 Hours of Service volunteer event
When: December 4, 2009 - Friday 7 p.m. until December 5, 2009 - 9 p.m. Saturday
What: On December 4th-5th A Good Idea will be hosting a historic, first-of-its-kind volunteer event called "24 Hours of Service". Comprised of 24 different volunteer activities for members of the community to participate during a 24 hour time-frame.
List of events: agoodideasf.org
Information: 24hours@agoodideasf.org
December 5, 2009 - Saturday
Muni Changes - better look at changes: sfmta.com
*2nd Annual Cider with Santa
When: December 5, 2009 - Saturday
10 a.m. until 2 p.m.
Where: West Sunset Playground, 39th Avenue and Ortega, San Francisco
What: Hosted by Friends of West Sunset Playground (FOWSP). Community meeting and social event. Free cookies and cider. Complimentary photo op with Santa. Music and carolers.
Information: fowsp.org
*Re-opening of Sunnside Conservatory
When: December 5, 2009 - Saturday
11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Where: Sunnyside Conservatory, 235 Monterey Blvd., San Francisco
What: Come join the Friends of Sunnyside Conservatory, San Francisco Recreation and Parks Department in celebrating the grand re-opening of the Sunnyside Conservtory. Bagpipes, celtic harp, strollin troubador music. Light refreshments in the rotunda and children's activities.
December 6, 2009 - Sunday
*Friends of Dolores Park - Holiday Treats
When: December 6, 2009 - Sunday
11 a.m. until Noon
Where: Dolores Park Playground, San Francisco
What: Come see the puppetry of Nick Barone - presenting "Holiday Treats". Refreshments provided. Free.
Information: friendsofdolorespark.org
*Democratic Women's Forum of San Francisco - Traditional Holiday Party
When: December 6, 2009 - Sunday
2 to 4 p.m.
Where: Home of Angela Alioto, 2606 Pacific, San Francisco
What: Traditional Holiday Party honoring Emily Murase, Lateefah Simon, Betty T. Yee (Community Organizers dedicated to Knowledge, Awareness and Caring).
Benefactors: Angela Alioto, Ruth Gordon Schnapp, Paula Kitses, Joan Simmons
Patrons: Marie Angell, Raymond Berard, Patricia Montague
Sponsors: Rose Banias, Bernice Biggs, John Casserly, Renee Golanty-Koel, Aileen Hernandez, Katie Hickox, Eileen Kivlehan, Rafael Mandelman, Jane Morrison, Emily Murase, Lynne Newouse-Segal, Mary O'Riordan, Julile Soo, Dan Sullivan, Dawn Walker, Cheryl Willis, Evelyn Wilson
Holiday Event Committee: Dawn Walker & Cheryl Willis - Co-Chairs; Paula Kitses, Patricia Montague, Joan Simmons
Attendees are encouraged to contribute a toy for children needing our Acknowledgement, Awareness, and Caring.
2009-2010 Board:
Joan Simmons - President
Julie Soo - VP - Political Action
Paula Kitses - VP - Public Relations
Cheryl Willis - Recording Secretary
Mary O'Riordan - Corresponding Secretary
Cynthia Travis - Treasurer
Evelyn Wilson - Parliamentarian
Michelle Aldrich, Marie Angell, Marti Dinan, Katie Hickox, Lorrie Kalos, Nancy Larson, Patricia Montague, Dawn Walker
$25. Guest, $20 Member
Information: RSVP 415-673-5023
*ACLU of Northern California - 2009 Bill of Rights Day Celebration
When: December 6, 2009 - Sunday
2 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Where: ILWU Local 34, 801 2nd Street (at King Street, next to AT&T Park) San Francisco
What: ACLU of Northern California's 2009 Bill of Rights Day celebration honoring the International Longshore and Warehouse Union. ACLU of Northern California's new Executive Director, Abdi Soltani will speak. Reception at Paragon Restaurant, 701 Second Street at 3:30 p.m.
$10. to $25. sliding scale.
Purchase tickets: bit.ly/3eUFOW
Information: 415-621-2493 x 388.
*Toys for Tots - San Francisco
When: December 6, 2009 - Sunday
5 to 8 p.m.
Where: Harry Denton's Starlight Room on top of the Sir Francis Drake Horel, 450 Powell Street, San Francisco. Festive holiday attire required.
What: Admission to the event is one or more unwrapped new toys to be donated to organization that provide services to local disadvantage children.
RSVP ToysForTots.SF@gmail.com
*14th Annual San Francisco Bicycle Winterfest Party
When: December 6, 2009 - Sunday
6 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.
Where: SomArts Gallery, 934 Brannan Street, San Francisco
What: 14th Annual SFBC's Winterfest Party. Good cheer, entertainment, local art , local goodies. Admission include one New Belgium Beer ticket. $40. for non-members which includes membership for one year; members $15.
Information: sfbike.org
December 7, 2009 - Monday
*Alliance for a Better District 6 Party
When: December 7, 2009 - Monday
5 p.m. until 9 p.m.
Where: The Swig Bar, 561 Geary Street (between Taylor and Jones Street) San Francisco
What: Alliance for a Better District 6, Central City Democrats and North of Market Business Association are co-sponsoring social networking event. Food, door prizes and more.
Information: 415-820-1560
*Reception for Assemblymember Dave Jones - Democratic Candidate for Insurance Commissioner
When: December 7, 2009 - Monday
5:30 to 7:30 p.m.
Where: Forest City Offices, 835 Market Street, Suite 850, San Francisco
What: Assemblymember Tom Ammiano, State Senator Mark Leno, Assemblymember Fiona Ma, Board of Supervisors President David Chiu, Supervisor Ross Mirkirami, Community College Boardmember Natalie Berg, Julie Brandt, Forest City, Doron Levitan and Aaron Zeff invite you to a reception for Assemblymember Dave Jones - Democratic Candidate for Insurance Commissioner. $250.
RSVP 916-552-688
*Book Passage - Raymond Carver: A Writer's Life
When: December 7, 2009 - Monday
6 p.m.
Where: Book Passage, 1 Ferry Building, San Francisco
What: Carol Sklenicka talks about "Raymond Carver: A Writer's Life".
Information: bookpassage.com
*Bay Bridge Toll Hike Public Forums
When: December 7, 2009 - Monday
6:30 p.m.
Where: San Francisco State University Downtown Campus, 835 Market Street, Room 609, San Francisco
What: Bridge Toll Hike prosed for Earthquake safety - public hearings. Short open house and a staff presentation at 7 p.m.
Information: mtc.ca.gov
December 8, 2009 - Tuesday
*The San Francisco Children's Toy Festival
When: December 8, 2009 - Tuesday
9 a.m. until Noon
Where: San Francisco City Hall (enter on Van Ness Avenue)
What: Mayor Gavin Newsom and The San Francisco Department of Child Support Services in partnership with San Francisco Fire Fighters' Union Local 798 invite children 12-years-old and under, accompanied by an adult or organization, to The San Francisco Children's Toy Festival. Get a toy and meet Santa! Refreshments and other community resources will be available.
*San Francisco Chamber of Commerce - Supervsor Ross Mirkarimi
When: December 8, 2009 - Tuesday
11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Where: San Francisco Chamber of Commerce Boardroom, 235 Montgomery Street, 12th Floor, San Francisco
What: Meet Supervisor Ross Mirkarimi from District Five
Register to attend: Patricia Aleman paleman@sfchamber.com
*Commonwealth Club - Madeleine Kunin
When: December 8, 2009 - Tuesday
5:30 p.m.
Where: Commonwealth Club, 595 Market Street, 2nd Floor, San Francisco
What: Hear Madeline Kunin: "Pearls, Politics and Power: How Women Can Win and Lead".
Former U.S. Ambassador to Switzerland; former Governor of Vermont. $18. non-members
Information: tickets.commonwealthclub.org
NOPA - Nopa Holiday Celebration
When: December 8, 2009 - Tuesday
7 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Where: Poleng Lounge, 1751 Fulton Street, San Francisco
What: Celebrate the holidays! Make this the best neighborhood party yet!
Information: board@nopna.org
*Bevan for Mayor at Barber Lounge
When: December 8, 2009 - Tuesday
7 p.m. to 10 p.m.
Where: The Barber Lounge, 854 Folsom Street, San Francisco
What: Festive holiday bash at the ultra-swanky and retro-funky Barber Lounge. Spread of wines, food and dessert. DJ Derek Martin. Only accepting $100. prior to April, 2010. Only accept donations from individuals who live or work in San Francisco.
RSVP Nima@bevandufty.com
*Michela Alioto-Pier - 2009 Winter Bash
When: December 8, 2009 - Tuesday
7 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Where: Taverna Avenue, 582 Washington Street, San Francisco
What: Please join Michela Alioto-Pier. Candidate for California Insurance Commissioner.
Host Committee: Alexander Alioto, Angelina Alioto Grace and Daniel Grace, Lisa and Rob Black, Jennifer Browne Snyder and Sean Snyder, Andrea and Robert Callan, Jr., Bridget Cannata, Chelsea Cannata and Mike Cherin, Maya Draisin and Mike Farrah, Jr., Anne Farrah, Soraya Farrah, Erica Galos Alioto and Joseph Alioto, Jr., Dominque Glynn, Gus Murad, Lori Pucnelli-Stern and Peter Stern, Shefali Razdan Duggal, Soleil Teubner, Gian-Paolo Veronese, Julie Veronese and Joe Alioto Veronese
$75. gues
RSVP Sarah Zeiger 415-931-1156
Important: Items change - please check before attending event for any changes.
Please email any items or comments to sfpostnotes@gmail.com (I need your help in providing events for this calendar - the more information - the more informed we all are)