Tuesday night I attended Cathedral Hill Neighbors Association community meeting to discussHealthcare Equity for San Francisco neighborhoods in regards to the conversion of Cathedral Hill Hotel into Cathedral Hill Hospital.
Cathedral Hill Neighbors Association is fighting the size of the hospital. There is also concern that the new CPMC campus could have negative impacts on the health care provided at St Luke's, another Sutter Health hospital, along with impacts on the surrounding Cathedral Hill neighborhood and traffic.
Cathedral Hill Hotel, across the street from Tommy's Joint at Geary and Van Ness just closed down a couple of days ago. This project would take five to 7 years, the building would be 331 feet tall, 4,000 employees, medical offices connected by tunnel and emergency/ambulance entrance on Franklin Street .
Cathedral Hill Neighbors goals:
- Ensure compliance with height, density and land use restrictions, without exemptions for special interests.
- Maintain and enhance safe air quality, noise levels and environmental health standards.
- Limit unreasonable traffic and parking congestion in transit corridors.
Some solutions suggested:
- Considering a large alternative site, especially parcels south of Market Street
- Building two 250 bed state of the art hospitals, one on Cathedral Hill and one at St. Luke's campus
- Retaining the California Campus to provide additional acute and sub-acute services.
Downsizing of St. Lukes - Nato Green ngreen@calnurses.org
Large crowd at Meeting at St. Mary's Cathedral.
Marlayne Morgan - President of Cathedral Hill Neighbors Association
Cathedral Hill Hotel - closed
Nato Green - California Nurses Association
November 11, 2009 - Wednesday
Veteran's Day
A Good Idea's 'Call to Hope' Fundraiser
When: November 11, 2009 - Wednesday
6 p.m. to 10 p.m.
Where: St. Francis Yacht Club, 700 Marina Blvd., San Francisco
What: Fundraiser at St. Francis Yacht Club. Appetizers, open beer and wine bar, silent auction packages, speakers and after-party with music by Forest Sun and members of ALO.100% will go directly to the mission of serving the homeless and underserved youth. $75. for entire event., after-party 8:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. $20.
San Francisco Young Democrats
When: November 11, 2009 - Wednesday
6:30 p.m.
Where: Mr. Smith's, 34 7th Street @ Market, San Francisco
What: Happy hour, meet and greet, and Prop 1 debrief with Paul Hogarth. All attendees will receive a free cocktail courtesy of Lotus Vodka.
Bernal Heights Democratic Club Forum: California's Budget Crisis: Howe Can we Rescue Our Failing State?
When: November 11, 2009 - Wednesday
7 p.m.
Where: Bernal Heights Neighborhood Center, 515 Cortland Avenue, San Francisco
What: Budget forum. Do we need a State Ballot Initiative? Do we need a State Constitutional Convention? Panel:
Lenny Goldberg: California Tax Reform Association - Current state budget and tax issues
Phil Ting, City Assessor: Closing the loopholes on the Prop. 13 tax system
Alonso Gonzalez: Repair California: Calling a State Constitutional Convention
Jospeh Smooke: Bernal Heights Neighborhood Center: How the state crisis effects BernalHeights Neighborhood Center.
Information: bernalheightsdemocraticclub.org
November 12, 2009 - Thursday
American Indian Heritage Month Celebration
When: November 12, 2009 - Thursday
5 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Where: City Hall Rotunda, San Francisco
What: American Indian Heritage Month. Help celebrate the rich culture of the American Indian community.
Hosts: Mayor Gavin Newsom, KQED, Friendship House Association of American Indians, The Native American AIDS Project
2009 Local Heroes:
Gayle Burns
Native American AIDS Project
Mary Jean Robertson
Voices of the Native Nation - KPOO 89.5 FM
Ras K'dee
Seventh Native American Generation (SNAG), Audiopharmacy
Lehman Brightman
United Native American, Inc.
Cathy Chapman
Native American Health Center
Information: kqed.org/heritage
*Remember Samoa Billiard Fundraiser
When: November 12, 2009 - Thursday
5 p.m. to 7 p.m. - Speed Ball
6 p.m. to 8 p.m. - Straight Pool
Where: Billiard Palacade, 5179 Mission Street, San Franisco
What: Southern District Neighborhood Collaborative in Partnership with The Samoan Community Development Center, Committee of Resident For A Better Excelsior, C.L.A.E.R invite you to a fundraiser - proceeds from event will go to the disaster relief Efforts in Samoa.
$20. at door, $15. - remembersamoa.eventbrite.com
Building a Moral Economy in San Francisco
When: November 12, 2009 - Thursday
5 to 6:30 p.m.
Where: St Patrick's Church, McKenna Hall, 756 Mission Street, San Francisco
What: Interfaith Community Forum and Briefing "Building A Moral Economy in San Francisco: Supporting Worker Justice, Rooted in Faith"
Rabbi Mark Asher Goodman, Jewish Community Highschool of the Bay
Imam Khaled Hamoui, Islamic Society of San Francisco
Rev. Deborah Lee, Interfaith Coalition for Immigrant Rights.
Hear local hotel workers' stories, and an interfaith panel will discuss the faith response to this situation.
RSVP: ialvaran@clueca.org
49ers play Chicago here - 5 p.m. Candlestick Park (and muck up the traffic!)
*Tom Ammiano for Assembly 2010
When: November 12, 2009 - Thursday
5:30 to 7:30 p.m.
Where: 426 Urbano Street, San Francisco
What: Fundraiser for Assemblymember Tom Ammiano. "Tom has always been there for us; now it's our turn to be there for Tom" Sponsors: Kim-Shree Maufas, Hene and Dennis Kelly, Linda and Les Plack, Armen Sedrakian, Gabriel Domenech, Ken Tray.
RSVP Ken Tray, UESF COPE Director 956-8373
Glide's Annual Holiday Festival: From The 'Hood to the House"
When: November 12, 2009 - Thursday
6 p.m.
Where: War Memorial and Performing Arts Center, 401 Van Ness Ave., San Francisco
What: A Benefit to honor Reverend Cecil Williams' 45th Anniversary at Glide.
Co-Chairs: Dr. Maya Angelou and United States Senator Dianne Feinstein.
Evening of music, spoken word and dance.
Special Guests: Maya Angelou, Rita Moreno, Alonzo King LINES Ballet, San Francisco Opera Adler Fellows, members of the San Francisco Opera Orchestra. San Francisco Opera General Director David Gockley, Glide Ensemble Choir and Change Band.
Followed by reception with hors d'oeuvres and libations and entertainment from DJ David Harness and The Jaz Sawyer "Youth Al-Star Quartet".
Event funds Mo's Kitchen and Glide's programs.
Team Mandelman Happy Hour
When: November 12, 2009 - Thursday
6 p.m.
Where: the Mix, 4086 18th Street, San Francisco
What: Happy hour with Rafael Mandelman - candidate for Supervisor in District 8
Information: rafael4supe@gmail.com
Northern District Police/Community Relations
When: November 12, 2009 - Thursday
6 p.m.
Where: Northern Police Station, 1125 Fillmore, San Francisco
What: Police, community, city attorney and district attorney's offices partnering to find proactive solutions to ongoing safety issues.
Information: bill.griffin@sfgov.org
*HANC election followed by discussion of New Ice Rink & Muni.
When: November 12, 2009 - Thursday
7 to 9 p.m.
Where: Community Room, Park Branch Library, 1833 Page Street, San Francisco
What: Monthly meeting.
Ice Rink: Representatives from Rec and Park; operator of the proposed ice skating rink (temporary (seasonal) ice skating rink on the paved portion of Waller Street by Stanyan Street - starting on Dec lst and operating up to February 28th)
MTA - Short presentation on the MUNI service changes starting December 5th including the end of 7 Haight , changes to the 21 Hayes route, 6 Parnassus, 71 Haight-Noriega and 5 Fulton, including shorten service hours for 33 Stanyan and 35 Eureka and 37 Corbett.
Noe Valley Democratic Club - Panel on parking meter hours
When: November 12, 2009 - Thursday
7:30 p.m.
Where: St. Philips Church, 725 Diamond Street, San Francisco
What: Parking meter hours. Panel:
Debra Niemann - Noe Valley Community Benefit District
Gillian Gillett - Guerrero/San Jose Street Coalition
Nathaniel Ford, Director of the Municipal Transit Authority
Information: molly@ffrsf.com
San Francisco Committee for Human Rights in the Philippines
When: November 12, 2009 - Thursday
9 p.m. until 2 a.m.
Where: Siberia, 314 11 Street, (by Folsom Street), San Francisco
What: Benefit event with live performances/art auction/dancing for the victims of the typhoons in the Philippines.
Donations: sliding scale donations $7 - $1,000.
November 13, 2009 - Friday
30th Anniversary Luncheon celebration Women's Foundation of California
When: November 13, 2009 - Friday
11:30 a.m.
Where: Fairmont Hotel on Nob Hill, San Francisco
What: Luncheon honoring Women's Foundation of California
Honorary Chair: Jennifer Siebel Newsom
Honoring: State Senator Mark Leno
Elmy Bermejo
Levi Strauss & Co.
Honorary Committee: Speaker of the California Assembly Karen Bass, U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer, Elizabeth L. Bremner, Kathleen Brown, Patti Chang, Pam David, Mayor of Oakland RonDellums, Pat B. Etienne, Norma Fragoso, Tracy Gary, Marya Grambs, Roma Guy, Sandra R. Hernandez, Dolores Huerta, Sheila Kuehl, Thomas C. Layton, Congresswoman Barbara Lee, Phyllis Lyon, Sue and Phil Marineau, Luz Vega-Marquis, Mayor of San Francisco GavinNewsom, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, Kavita N. Ramdas, Rayona Sharpnack, State Senator Joe Simitian, Belinda Smith Walker, Akaya Windwood, Congresswoman Lynn Woolsey
*Unite Here! Local 2 - Action Alert
When: November 13, 2009 - Friday
5:30 to 7 p.m.
Where: Palace Hotel, Market and New Montgomery, San Francisco. 100th Anniversary.
What: Action Alert! Protest picket during Palace Hotel 100th anniversary.
Information: ialvaran@clueca.org
Young Workers United - Carnival Art Auction
When: November 13, 2009 - Friday
7 p.m. until midnight
Where: Station 40, 3030 B 16th Street, @ Mission, San Francisco
What: First ever Masquerade-Carnival Auction. . Wear your favorite mask and disguise yourself from Friday the thirteenth karma. Silent auction with all proceeds benefiting YWU. Refreshments, music, raffles. Donation: $5-25. sliding scale.
Crisis in Honduras: A Participant's Account
When: November 13, 2009 - Friday
7 p.m.
Where: International Longshore & Warehouse Union Local 34 Hall, 4 Berry Street, San Francisco
What: Israel Salinas, Secretary General of the United Workers Federation of Honduras will report on the latest developments in the struggle for democracy in Honduras.
Sponsored by: San Francisco Labour Council, Workers Emergency Recovery Campaign, Bay Area Latin America Solidarity Committee, San Francisco Council for Latin American Advancement
Donation: $5. $3. seniors, students, unemployed; no one turned away for lack of funds.
Information: wercampaign@gmail.com
November 14, 2009 - Saturday
Portal to the Pacific: 70 years on Treasure Island"
When: November 14, 2009 - Saturday
10 am. to 3 p.m.
Where: Building One, Treasure Island, 1 Avenue of the Palms, Treasure Island
What: Come to art deco Building One to see photo and narrative exhibit. Site of 1939-1940 World's Fair and the west coast terminus for the China Clipper Flying boats from 1939-1945. Free.
*Visitacion Valley History Day
When: November 14, 2009 - Saturday
11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Where: El Dorado Elementary School, 70 Delta School, San Francisco
What: Visitacion Valley History Day sponsored by Friends of the San Francisco Public Library and The Visitacion Valley History Project. Neighborhood history exhibits.Entertainment, refreshments, drawings for prizes
11:30 a.m. - Living History Panel
1:30 p.m. - Circle of Elders Video
Bring in your historic photos to be scanned & complete a "donate a memory form" for aneighborhood history collection.
Information: marian.ctaylor@friendssfpl.org
3 p.m. - Walking Tour
Open House - Harvey Milk Rec Center and Duboce Park Play Area
When: November 14, 2009 - Saturday
11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Where: Duboce Park, between Scott & Steiner Street, San Francisco
What: Tour the new facility, meet the instructors. Live music and dance performances, youth basketball clinic, Kids' Jumpy House, hamburgers, snacks & refreshments, t-shirts. Sponsored by the San Francisco Recreation and Parks Department San Francisco Parks Trust, Friends ofDuboce Park Kids!
Book signing for Kamala D. Harris "Smart on Crime"
When: November 14, 2009 - Saturday
11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Where: African American Art & Culture Complex, 762 Fulton Street, San Francisco
What: Book signing with San Francisco District Attorney and author Kamala D. Harris,moderated by Dr. Raye Richardson, founder and owner of Marcus Bookstore.
Angel Island
When: November 14, 2009 - Saturday
2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Where: North Beach Library 1135 Powell Street, (near Jackson) San Francisco
What: talk on the historic immigration station, Angel Island. Angel Island served as a processing and detainment center for hundreds of thousands of immigrants between 1910 and 1940. Presented by the Angel Island Immigration Station Foundation.
Beer Bust fundraiser for National Lesbian & Gay Journalists Association
When: November 14, 2009 - Saturday
4 to 8 p.m.
Where: Mix Bar, 4086 18th Street, San Francisco
What: Beer Bust benefit for the National Lesbian & Gay Journalists Association. Hosted b Bay Area national board member Matthew S. Bajko, NGLJA Secretary Ken Miguel and NLGJA President David Steinberg, $5. raffle drawing All you can drink beer for $8.
Live music on the Hill
When: November 14, 2009 - Saturday
7 to 10 p.m.
Where: Bernal Heights Neighborhood Center, 515 Cortland Ave., San Francisco
What: Music, refreshments, community. Music by Headliners Perranosperous and T-Wrex. Fundraiser for Bernal Heights Neighborhood Center. $10. - $200. sliding scale.
November 15, 2009 - Sunday
Let's Build more skate parks!
When: November 15, 2009 - Sunday
2 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Where: 111 Minna Gallery, 111 Minna Street, San Francisco
What: Come celebrate the San Francisco Skateboarding Associations's Third Anniversary. Help raise $40,000 for Waller Street Skatepark. Live performances by Not for Not, Lighter Thieves, AM Magic, DJ Aiiman, Neal for Real. Videos by The Leftside Team Video, Big Pauly's Locals Only Video. $10. cover and the event is 21+.
November 16, 2009 - Monday
*Celebrate the 75th Anniversary of the Healthcare Workers' Movement - Fund for Union Democracy and Reform
When: November 16, 2009 - Monday
5:30 to 7:30 p.m.
Where: Plumbers & Pipefitters Union Hall, 1621 Market Street, San Francisco (@ Franklin Street)
What: Honoring National Union of Healthcare Workers (NUHW) and 26 Leaders in the Fight for Union Democracy. Thousands of caregivers across California are continuing the legacy of the 1934 General Strike.
Today, healthcare workers are holding the line against deals by SEIU officials that threaten their jobs, their patients and their future. These workers, who are at the forefront of the movement for worker democracy, are under attack.
SEIU officials have launched a campaign to stop these caregivers from exercising their free choice to form their own member-led union. NUHW. SEIU has hired dozens of lawyers to block union elections and to intimidate twenty-six elected union leaders and organizers with a harassing lawsuit.
Join The Fund for Union Democracy to honoring NUH and 26 leaders in the fight for union democracy.
Hosted by: Dolores Huerta, Gray Brechn, Lou Franchimon, John Harrington, Sheila Kuehl, Larry Mazzola, Angelo Quaranta, John Burton, Mike Casey, Conny Ford., Rev. Israel Alvaro, Nelson Lichtenstein, Pat McGinnis, Pam Tau Lee, Clinton Reilly, Ignacio Chapela, Patricia A. Ford, Rick Jacobs, Sasha Lilley, Jane Morrison, Michael Theriault, AaronPeskin, Gary P. Delagnes, Larry Griffin, Walter Johnson, Barry Luboviski, Joe O'Donahue, Howard Wallace, Angela Alioto, Tho Do, PR. H. Wilson de Ocera, Cleve Jones,Gunnar Lundeberg, Mike Parker, Cal Winslow, Iain Boal, Greg Feere, John Hanley, Ramsey Kanaan, Warren Mar, Linda Post.
$500., $100. Rank & File Healthcare Workers $25.
Information: info@fundforuniondemocracy.org
Middle Polk Neighborhood Association - Monthly Meeting
When: November 16, 2009 - Monday
7 to 8 p.m.
Where: It's A Grind, 1800 Polk @ Washington, San Francisco
What: Featured speaker will be Deputy City Attorney Curtis Christy-Cirillo. There will also be a discussion on 2010 MPNA Leadership Election.
November 17, 2009 - Tuesday
* Postal Community Meeting - Federal Building Postal Station
When: November 17, 2009 - Tuesday
1 p.m to 3 p.m.
Where: Phillip Burton Federal Building, 2nd Floor, California Room, 450 Golden Gate Ave., San Francisco
What: Information meeting about possible consolidation of the Federal Bldg. Postal Station. Opportunity to support Full Service Post Office at 101 Hyde. Neon Luna is the Postmaster of San Francisco.
*Public Open House to discuss plans/projects in Golden Gate National Recreation Area
When: November 17, 2009 - Tuesday
4 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Where: Golden Gate National Rec Area Building 201, Fort Mason, San Francisco
What: Discuss:
Fort Mason improvements to trails and road
SF Maritime National Historical Park Update
Project Headlands - Road Construction starts 2010
Presidio Coastal Trail Environ Assessment
Gulf of Farallones NMS Campus Improvements at Crissy Field
Golden Gate General Management Plan Update
Energy Infrastructure improvements on Alcatraz
Trail Forever Projects
*Reception in Support of Michela Alioto-Pier
When: November 17, 2009 - Tuesday
5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Where: BergDavis Public Affairs, 150 Post Street, Suite 740, San Francisco
What: Reception and fundraiser hosted by Jessica Berg an dEvette Davis for Michela Alioto-Pier for California Insurance Commissioner.
Recommended donation $250.-$1,000.
Information: Icuadra@berdavis.com
*Dolores Street's 2009 Open Palm Awards
When: November 17, 2009 - Tuesday
6 to 10 p.m.
Where: The Blue Macaw Nightclub, 2565 Mission Street, San Francisco
What: Honor the work of our awardees and celebrate the accomplishments of Dolores Street Community Services.
Homeless Services Award: Jennifer Friedenbach, Executive Direction of the Coalition on Homelessness for her unending dedication to standing up for the rights of the homeless and her advocacy work on the City Budget.
Immigrant Rights Award: Morrison & Foerster LLP for their pro-bono work representing low income clients in Immigration and Customers Enforcement (ICE) deportation proceedings.
HIV/AIDS Services Award - Father Richard Purcell who founded Marty's Place in 1989 to provide a home for homeless individuals living with HIV/AIDS.
Information: mason@dscs.org
*Muni Fillmore Substation Reuse Community Workshop
When: November 17, 2009 - Tuesday
6:30 to 8 p.m.
Where: West Bay Conference Center, 1290 Fillmore Street, San Francisco
What: Office of Economic & Workforce Development and Supervisor Ross Mirkarimi invite you to Muni Fillmore Substation Reuse Community Workshop. Revitalizing one of the Fillmore's Historic Treasures.
Possible substation uses.
Partner selection criteria.
Potential adaptations of the building/site for the future.
Refreshments and light fare will be provided.
Information: jonyolles@sfgov.org
*Ingleside Police Community Meeting
When: November 17, 2009 - Tuesday
7 p.m.
Where: Crocker Amazon Clubhouse, 801 Moscow, San Francisco
What: Community Meeting to discuss public safety issues.
Information: 415-404-4000
*The Black Rock - Black Alcatraz
When: November 17, 2009 - Tuesday
7 p.m.
Where: African American Art & Culture Complex, 762 Fulton Ave., San Francisco
What: Join Infin8 Sync, Masta Mind Productions LLC and AAACC for the Buriel Clay Theatre Monthly Film Series of "The Black Rock" by Kevin Epps. The untold story of the black experience at Alcatraz Prison and told through the eyes of Ellsworth "Bumpy Johnson", Harlem gangster, Robert Lipscom, and Williams "Ty" Martin. Film $5.
Important: Items change - please check before attending event for any changes.
Please email any items or comments to sfpostnotes@gmail.com (I need your help in providing events for this calendar - the more information - the more informed we all are)
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