On a beautiful Saturday I attended the Campaign Kick-Off for Supervisor Carmen Chu who is running for Supervisor 4 in 2010.
The event was held at the Park Chalet which is behind the Beach Chalet Brewery and Restaurant on the Great Highway (includes visitor's center downstairs).
Supervisor Chu's friends and supporters were there having barbeque, two kinds of mac & cheese, cupcakes and carmel apples. Supervisor Sean Elsbernd showed up to show his support. This was a low-key event - no speeches. Supervisor Chu said she was looking forward to a four year term. Supervisor Chu is a member of the Budget & Fiance Committee and Transportation Authority.
Supervisor Carmen Chu: sfbos.org carmen.chu@sfgov.org
Staff: Katy Tang and Cammy Blackstone
Beach Chalet Brewery and Restaurant - Park Chalet Garden Restaurant beachchalet.com
November 23, 2009 - Monday
Susan Boyle's CD comes out today!
*City Operations and Neighborhood Services Committee
When: November 23, 2009 - Monday
11 a.m.
Where: City Hall, Room 250, San Francisco
What: Item off agenda: Bus Inspection. Hearing to get a status update from the MTA and San Francisco Police Department on the Bus Inspection Program.
Members: Bevan Dufty, Chris Daly, Sean Elsbernd
Information: Victor Young 415-554-7723
*Land Use and Economic Development Committee
When: November 23, 2009 - Monday
1 p.m.
Where: City Hall, Room 263, San Francisco
What: Item off agenda: Just Cause Eviction Protection for Residential Tenants, Extend to Non-/Rent Controlled Units
Members: Sophie Maxwell, Eric Mar, David Chiu
Information: Linda Law 554-4441
*Support Justice and Healthcare for all Families and Children
When: November 23, 2009 - Monday
4 p.m.
Where: Speaker Pelosi's Office, 90 7th Street, San Francisco
What: Final push to remind House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to recognize the contributions of immigrants and to include immigrants in health reform proposals.
Information: nakasec.org
Save City Services, Fight the lay-offs
When: November 23, 2009 - Monday
5 to 7 p.m.
Where: City Hall, San Francisco
What: Rally at City Hall to fight for justice and fairness , to fight employment discrimination against City workers, to save City Services and to save those who are about to lose their job.
The recent round of layoffs are all frontline workers in health care, 79% women and 96% minorities. Rally is to urge the Mayor to go back to the drawing board and institute layoffs that are fair and proportionate.
A Conversation on Democracy
When: November 23, 2009 Monday
7 p.m.
Where: Noe Valley Ministry, 1021 Sanchez Street, San Francisco
What: Susan Griffin, author of "Wrestling with the Angel of Democracy" and Mike Miller, author of "A Community Organizer's Tale", discuss the meaning of democracy in our time.
Information: organizetrainingcenter.org
November 24, 2009 - Tuesday
*Budget and Finance Committee
When: November 26, 2009 - Tuesday
12:25 p.m.
Where: City Hall, Room 250, San Francisco
What: Off agenda:
Appropriating $7,953,732 to fund the restoration of positions in the Department of Public Health.
Sponsors: Avalos, Daly, Mirkarimi, Campos and Mar.
Expressing the Commitment of the Board of Supervisors to refund the General Fund reserve with revenue from Assembly Bills 1383 and 188.
Sponsors: Chiu, Dufty and Daly
Members: John Avalos, Ross Mirkarimi, Carmen Chu
Information: Gail Johnson 554-4445
*San Francisco Board of Supervisors
When: November 24, 2009 - Tuesday
2 p.m.
Where: City Hall, Room 250, San Francisco
What: Items off agenda:
Appropriating $7,953,732 to fund the restoration of positions in the Department of Public Health.Sponsors: Avalos, Daly, Mirkarimi, Campos and Mar
Expressing the Commitment of the Board of Supervisors to refund the General Fund reserve with revenue from Assembly Bills 1383 and 188.Sponsors: Chiu, Dufty and Daly
Opposing the Stupak-Ellsworth-Pitts Amendment to Restrict Reproductive Choice
Sponsor: Alioto-Pier
Information: sfgov.org/site/bdsupvrs
*Harvey Milk LGBT Democratic Club - General Membership Meeting
When: November 24, 2009 - Tuesday
7 to 9 p.m.
Where: Women's Building, 3543 18th Street, San Francisco
What: Vote on two bylaws amendments. One would allow for the office of President to be filled by two individuals running together - provided that at least one of the co-presidents is a woman . The second would limit membership in caucuses to two.
Information: milkclub.org
November 26, 2009 - Thursday
November 27, 2009 - Friday
*Harvey Milk LGBT Democratic Club - Moscone/Milk Memorial March
When: November 27, 2009
6 p.m.
Where:Castro Muni, Castro & Market
What: Harvey Milk LGBT Democratic Club - Moscone/Milk Memorial March.
Information: milkclub.org
*Moscone/Milk Memorial and Candlelight Procession
When: November 27, 2009 - Friday
7 p.m.
Where: St. Francis Lutheran Church, 152 Church Street, San Francisco
What: An Interfaith Service will take place at 7 p.m. at St. Francis Lutheran Church, following the service there will be a procession up Market Street to the Castro. Vigil is to honor the sacrifices of Supervisor Harvey Milk and Mayor George Moscone on the 31st anniversary of their assassination.
Memorial has been planned by members of Or Shalom Synagogue, the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, San Francisco Night Ministry, Saint Francis Lutheran Church, Saint Aidan's Episcopal Church .
Information: Father Tommy Dillon tommy@saintaidan.org
SF Firefighters Holiday Party
When: November 27, 2009 - Friday
8 p.m. until 1 a.m.
Where: Bimbos, 365 Club, 1025 Columbus Avenue, San Francisco
What: 14th Anniversary Holiday Party benefiting the San Francisco Firefighters Toy Program. House Quake is rocking Bimbos this year . Tickets $30. at door.
Information: 777-0440
November 30, 2009 - Monday
*MUMC Holiday Tree Lighting Ceremony
When: November 30, 2009 - Monday
6 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Where: Castro and 18th Street Plaza, San Francisco
What: Merchants of Upper Market and Castro invite you to their annual Holiday Tree Lighting Ceremony. Donna Sachet will be hosting. Blessing by the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence.
Entertainment by San Francisco Gay Lesbian Freedom Band, SF Gay Men's Chorus, MCC Choirs and SF L/G Chorus, Santa and his elf will be on hand to do the tree lighting honors.
December 1, 2009 - Tuesday
*Don't Let Them Downsize St Luke's
When: December 1, 2009 - Tuesday
4 to 6 p.m.
Where: Outside St. Luke's Hospital, intersection of Cesar Chavez and Valencia, San Francisco
What: Join clergy and religious leaders in a vigil in support of the community hospital and its nurses. Sutter/CPMC plans to slash St Luke's Hospital to one-third its current size and to close long-term care units for Medicare and Medi-cal patients.
Information: ngreen@calnurses.org
*Potrero Hill Democratic Club - Social gathering
When: December 1, 2009 - Tuesday
7 p.m.
Where: Potrero Hill Neighborhood House, 953 De Haro Street, San Francisco
What: Social gathering, a potluck with no particular agenda other than tossing around ideas for the coming year.
Potrero Hill Democratic Club is collecting for the Food Bank. Most needed donations: canned tuna, meats, fruit and vegetables; soups, stews, and chili; rice and pasta; peanut butter; cereal.
Information: phdemclub.org
December 2, 2009 - Wednesday
*Organizing Locally: Using new media to win on Immigration
When: December 2, 2009 - Wednesday
6 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Where: World Affairs Council, 312 Sutter Street, Suite 200, San Francisco
What: Begin to strategize now about how to organize around key issues. Join Netroots Nation for a discussion on the role online and offline activists can play, particularly on a local level, in the upcoming battle to pass CIR.
Moderator: Jenifer Fernandez Ancona
Paul Hogarth - Beyond Chron
Bobbie Lopez - community activist
Christopher Punongbayan of the Asian Law Caucus
Favianna Rodriguez of Presente.org
Co-Hosted by Good Ol' Girls and Presente.org
RSVP bit.ly/3VyfGy
Information: netrootsnation.org/node/1357
*San Francisco for Democracy - What is the Future of the Us Involvement in Afghanistan?
When: December 2, 2009 - Wednesday
7 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Where: Schroeder's German Restaurant, 240 Front Street, San Francisco
What: Discussion on the way forward in Afghanistan, from the viewpoint of the U.S. military, politics and the impact of the people of Afghanistan.
Information: sf4dem.com
*Community Meeting - Traffic Congestion and Safety on Ney Street
When: December 2, 2009 - Wednesday
7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Where: Mission YMCA, 4080 Mission Street, San Francisco
What: Attend a community discussion with the Department of Parking and Traffic, Ney Street Neighbors and local businesses to discuss how traffic nearby businesses are affecting the community and discuss solutions
Information and RSVP avalosstaff@sfgov.org
*Noe Valley Democratic Club - President of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors David Chiu
When: December 2, 2009 - Wednesday
7:30 p.m.
Where: St Philips Church, 725 Diamond Street, San Francisco
What: Discussion with David Chiu
Information: Molly Fleischman molly@ffrsf.com
December 3, 2009 - Thursday
*"Good Morning America" - Live from San Francisco's Union Square
When: December 3, 2009 - Thursday
4 a.m. to 6 a.m. (this is not a typo!)
Where: San Francisco's Union Square
What: GMA would like a crowd of 1,000. Part of "Sam Champion Lights Up America". Performance by Beach Blanket Babylon.
*Geneva Car Barn Update - Final community meeting
When: December 3, 2009 - Thursday
4 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Where: Balboa High School, 1000 Cayuga Avenue, San Francisco
What: Final community meeting regarding historical landmark.
Information: Chinaka Hodge chodge@genevacarbarn.org
*Edmund G. Brown, Jr.
When: December 3, 2009 - Thursday
5:30 to 7:30 p.m.
Where: Tosca Cafe, 242 Columbus Avenue, San Francisco
What: Cocktail reception honoring Edmund G. Brown Jr.
Sponsors: Jeremiah F. Hallisey, Steve Westly, George Marcus, Jim Kellogg and Robert L. Balgenorth
Information: Jeremiah F. Hallisey jfhallisey@h-jlaw.com
*Clean Slate Programs 10th Anniversary - Dinner Reception
When: December 3, 2009 - Thursday
5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Where: Westbay Conference Center, 1290 Fillmore Street, San Francisco
What: Clean Slate Program was started in 199 by Public Defender Jeff Adachi. Clean Slate provides ongoing legal representation to help individuals clear up their criminal records so that they can restore and improve theirlives.
Auda Okutania, Program Manager for Arriba Juntos
Toye Moses, Executive Director for Southeast Community Center
Reginaldo Woods, Executive Director for Up From Darkness
Sharen Hewitt, Executive Director for C.L.A.E.R. New Village Community Center
RSVP: Free. Registration is required. sfpublicdefender.org/media/2009/11/sf-public-defenders-office-clean-slate-10th-anniversary-celebration
*Excelsior Community Forum Series - Jobs
When: December 3, 2009 - Thursday
6 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Where: Ocean Avenue Presbyterian Church, 32 Ocean Avenue, San Francisco
What: Forum on Jobs.
Information: eagsf.org
*Citizen Effect San Francisco Launch Event
When: December 3, 2009 - Thursday
6 to 9 p.m.
Where: Ambassador, 673 Geary Street, San Francisco
What: New, innovative micro philanthropy nonprofit. The idea that anyone can make a real and significant impact in the world. Mission is to provide everyday citizens the tools and networks they need to work directly with communities in need around the world.
Information and to order tickets: citizeneffect-efbevent.eventbrite.com
*Books Inc. - Gerald Nachman
When: December 3, 2009 - Thursday
7 p.m.
Where: Books Inc. in the Opera Plaza, 601 Van Ness Avenue, San Francisco
What: Gerald Nachman discusses "Right Here on Our Stage Tonight" - history of the Ed Sullivan Show. (Gerald Nachman books are wonderful!).
Information: booksinc.net
*Book launch for "Wherever There's A Fight"
When: December 3, 2009 - Thursday
7 to 9 p.m.
Where: Modern Times Bookstore, 888 Valencia Street, San Francisco
What: Account of the struggle to develop and protect right in California. Authors Elaine Elinson and Stan Yogi will discuss their book "Wherever There'a A Fight".
Important: Items change - please check before attending event for any changes.
Please email any items or comments to sfpostnotes@gmail.com (I need your help in providing events for this calendar - the more information - the more informed we all are)
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