On election day someone mentioned it being a "sleepy election" - some said "boring".....
Newly re-elected Treasurer Jose Cisneros and City Attorney Dennis Herrera attended the famous " Bob McCarthy/Angelo Quaranta Election Day Lunch" which was held on a beautiful day at the Civic Center Holiday Inn .
"Bob McCarthy/Angelo Quaranta Awards" were given to State Senator Mark Leno, City Attorney Dennis Herrera and President of the Board David Chiu.
After the polls were closed Treasurer Jose Cisneros held his election night party at Lime Restaurant on Market Street followed by Election Night Party for City Attorney Dennis Herrera held at the Tosca Cafe in North Beach.
There were smiles, good food, drink - biggest conversation was the governor's race, Mayor Gavin Newsom and of course, the Maine election.
364 days until the 2010 election....
Treasurer Jose Cisneros, City Attorney Dennis Herrera
Anna Damiani, City Attorney Dennis Herrera, President of the Board David Chiu, Angelo Quaranta, Gino Lazzarra, Alex Clemens
Treasurer Jose Cisneros
Tosca Cafe
November 4, 2009 - Wednesday
Support SEIU 1021
When: November 4, 2009 - Wednesday
10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Where: City Hall, San Francisco
What: Support Pay Equity and support members of SEIU 1021 who are being laid off. There will be a community/labor press conference at 10:30 prior to Budget Committee of the Board of Supervisors. Supervisor John Avalos has introduced a supplemental that would restore those who had been deskilled last year, and Supervisor Daly has introduced a supplemental that will save the people who are about to be deskilled.
SPUR - Post Election Recap
When: November 4, 2009 - Wednesday
12:30 to 1:30 p.m.
Where: Spur, 654 Mission Street, San Francisco
What: Post-election recap with David Latterman and Alex Clemens who will give us an insider's look into what happened yesterday and why. They'll also be lending insight into the fall 2010 elections. Free to members. $5. for non-members.
Information: spur.org
One Mission - Mission Peace March
When: November 4, 2009 - Wednesday
4 p.m. until 6:30 p.m.
Where: Gathering at two starting points:
16th Street and Mission Street - 4 p.m.
24th Street and Potrero Street - 4:30 p.m.
March to 24th and Harrison Street at 5:15 p.m. until 6 p.m.
What: Mission Peach March.
Sponsors include: Mission Beacon, MNC-Precita Center, Mission Girls, MCRN, HOMEY, MiCoCo, UCSF Wrap Around Services, Boys & Girls Club, Mission Graduates, Good Samaritan, Carecen, United Playaz, Arriba Juntos
Police Commission Meeting
When: November 4, 2009 - Wednesday
5:30 p.m.
Where: City Hall, Room 400, San Francisco
What: Items off agenda:
Chief's Report includes presentation regarding the Department's Response to and Investigation of Elder Abuse Cases
Commissioners: Dr. Joe Marshall, Thomas P. Mazzucco, Petra DeJesus, Yvonne Y. Lee, David Onek, Vincent Pan
Information: 415-553-1667
Geneva Car Barn and Power House Information Meeting
When: November 4, 2009 - Wednesday
6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Where: Ingleside Presbyterian, 1345 Ocean Avenue, San Francisco
What: After a community-wide effort to save the building from demolition, the Geneva Car Barn and Power House will now be restored. Soon the Car Barn will provide arts-related job training for district youth (ages 14-19) as well as serve as a arts and culture center in District 11. Please join others in learning about the status of the project and let them know your thoughts. All are invited.
Information: chodge@genevacarbarn.org
Presidio Parkway Community Meeting
When: November 4, 2009 - Wednesday
6 to 7:30 p.m.
Where: Fort Mason Center (Marina Blvd. and Buchanan Street) Landmark Building A, Conference Center, Golden Gate Room, San Francisco
What: Construction of the new Presidio Parkway which replaces the current Doyle Drive starts this month. Meeting to help residents learn about upcoming construction and planned ramp closures.
Source: richmondsfblog.com
Community Meeting - San Francisco's 2010-2015 Consolidated Plan and 2010-2011 Action Plan
When: November 4, 2009 - Wednesday
6 p.m.
Where: Visitacion Valley Middle School, 450 Raymond Avenue, San Francisco
What: Tell the City and County of San Francisco how to spend $200 million in federal funds over the next five years.
Information: 415-701-5500
San Francisco Labor Council lst Annual Comedy Showcase
When: November 4, 2009 - Wednesday
6 p.m. reception
7 p.m. dinner
Where: Mission Bay UCSF Conference Center, 1675 Owens Street, San Francisco
What: First annual Comedy Showcase, featuring the comedic talents Will Durst, Assemblyman TomAmmiano, Nato Green & others. This year will be honoring Conny Ford of OPEIU 3 andLarryMazzola of Plumbers 38 for their dedication and service to the Labor Movement. $175.
RSVP - Amber Parrish amber@sflaborcouncil.org
SPUR - Planning on the Edge: A Conversation with 6 Planning Directors
When: November 4, 2009 - Wednesday
6 to 8 p.m.
Where: City Hall, North Light Court, San Francisco
What: Planning directors from six cities, co-sponsored by SPUR and the San Francisco Planning Department.
Bill Anderson - San Diego
Susan Anderson - Portland
Amanda Burden - New York City
John Rahaim - San Francisco
Diane Sugimura - Seattle
Brent Toderian - Vancouver
Free. Open to public.
Information: spur.org
Rally - Castro & Market - One year Anniversary
When: November 4, 2009 - Wednesday
6 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Where: Harvey Milk Plaza, Intersection of Market Street and Castro, San Francisco
What: Full Federal Equality Now! Rally and Action for LGBT Rights. Prop. 8 passed on November 4, 2008. Protest one year of Prop 8 and respond to the election results nationwide. This event is part of the Equality Across America Week.
Information: ashleylsimmons@gmail.com
"Castro Sweep" veterans tell stories 20 years later
When: November 4, 2009 - Wednesday
6 to 8 p.m.
Where: GLBT Historical Society, 657 Mission Street, Suite 300, San Francisco
What: Panel of activists to recount their memories of the Castro Sweep. On October 6, 2989, San Francisco police rioted in response to a peaceful ACT Up march protesting federal neglect of people with AIDS. Nearly 200 SFPD officers invaded the Castro district for more than three hours.
Roundtable Panelists:
Brian Bringardner, then an ACT UP member.
Randi Gerson - member of ACT UP's local issues committee.
Gerard Koskovich - freelance journalist at time of the sweep.
Lester Olmstead-Rose - community organizer at Community United Against Violence.
Bryndis Tobin - was a student and a teaching assistant in the Human Sexuality Studies Department at SF State.
Information: glbthistory.org
Irish Cultural Centre of California/United Irish Irish Culture Center - First Annual Meeting
When: November 4, 2009 - Wednesday
7 p.m.
Where: United Irish Cultural Center, 2700 45th Avenue, San Francisco
What: First annual meeting. Hear about plans for the future including the library, scholarship and brick updates.
November 5, 2009 - Thursday
Rules Committee, Board of Supervisors
When: November 5, 2009 - Thursday
10 a.m.
Where: City Hall, Room 263, San Francisco
What: Off the agenda:
Appointments to Immigrant Rights Commission, Local Homeless Coordinating Board, Sweatfree Procurement Advisory Group, Child Care Planning and Advisory Council, California State Association of Counties, Entertainment Commission, Pedestrian Safety Advisory Committee
Police Commission: 13 applications, Veterans Affairs Commission
Information: sfbos.org
Restore Hetch Hetchy - Campaign Briefing
When: November 5, 2009 - Thursday
5:30 to 7 p.m.
Where: Sierra Club Headquarters, 85 2nd Street @ Mission Street, San Francisco
What: Briefing about the campaign to win San Francisco's approval to restore the Hetch Hetchy Valley in Yosemite National Park. Will be showing DVD, "Discover Hetch Hetchy" featuring Harrison Ford.
Executive Director of Restore Hetch Hetchy, Mike Marshall, will be attending and talking about the organization.
Bevan for Mayor - San Francisco - Fundraiser
When: November 5, 2009 - Thursday
5:30 to 7:30 p.m.
Where: Mo'z Cafe, 36 5th Street (at Stevenson across from Nordstrom), San Francisco
What: Fundraiser. Everyone welcomed.
Mohamed Alhakim who managed Castro Squat and Globble has opened his new cafe - Mo'z Cafe.
Donation: $100 (maximum til April 2010, so anything is welcomed!). Will only accept donations from individuals who live or work in San Francisco.
RSVP info@bevandufty.com
Information: BevanDufty.com
Lawrence Ferlinghetti Exhibit
When: November 5, 2009 through December 19, 2009
Where: George Krevsky Gallery, 77 Geary, 2nd Floor, San Francisco
What: Lawrence Ferlinghetti," Evolution of a Painter".
Information: georgekrevskygallery.com
Matt Gonzalez - Art Exhibit Presentation
When: November 5, 2009 through November 30, 2009
Where: 111 Minna Gallery, 111 Minna Street, San Francisco
What: Presenting "The Novemberists" - Matt Gonzalez, Kelly Nicolaisen, Jesse Gidcumb, Alex Braubach, Ian Robert Mullen, Alex Case, Sean Brimer, Tim Schafer, Ryan Coffey, Mike Steffen, Chris Stokes, David Fallis, Yoni Matatyaou, Dusty Genard, Catto Houghton, Christopher Butler
Information: 111minnagallery.com
November 6, 2009 - Friday
*Lt. Dan Choi at UCSF
When: November 6, 2009 - Friday
Noon to 1 p.m
Where: HSW300, 513 Parnassus Avenue, San Francisco (enter Medical Sciences Building, 513 Parnassus, go up the lobby stairs, enter courtyard to top of stairs, and turn left to Health Sciences West.
What: Army Lt. Dan Choi West Point graduate and Iraq Veteran faces discharge under the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy. Come hear his story. Open to public. Sponsored by Equality Action Group at UCSF
Information: lgbt.ucsf.edu
San Francisco Housing Development Corporation - Grand Opening
When: November 6, 2009 - Friday
1 to 5 p.m.
Where: 4800 Third Street, San Francisco
What: Celebrate grand opening of 4800 Third Street, 18 new affordable condominiums. Experience the transformation of Bayview Hunters Point.
Grand Opening Committee Members: Fred Blackwell, San Francisco Redevelopment Agency, Lionel Savage, First American Title Company, Pablo Bravo and Sr. Susan Vickers, Catholic Healthcare West, Brenda Wright and Margaret Strand, Wells Fargo Bank
RSVP 4800RSVP@sfhdc.org
Cleantech Forum and Fundraiser for DeWitt Lacy
When: November 6, 2009 - Saturday
6 to 9 p.m. - Forum
9 to 10:30 - Post Forum Mixer
Where: Roe, 651 Howard Street, San Francisco (note location change)
What: Event to support DeWitt Lacy for Supervisor in District 10.
Invited Forum Speakers include:
Stephen Valentino (Startech), Former Sen. Art Torres (Startech), Dr. Kelly Truman (Solyndra)
RSVP by ordering tickets through ActBlue. actblue.com/page/cleantechfordewitt $50. forum and mixer, $25. mixer
Information: bhunley@dewittlacyforsupervisor.com
Kick off at the De Young: Year long celebration of Mission Muralismo begins
When: November 6, 2009 - Friday
6 to 9 p.m.
Where: The De Young Museum, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco
What: Year long series of events celebrating street art and artists in the Mission. Music by Dr. Loco, projections, performances, talks, films and festive book- signing for "Street Art San Francisco: Mission Muralismo".
An Evening with Kamala Harris
When: November 6, 2009 - Friday
7 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Where: Cityscape Lounge, top floor of the Hilton, 333 O'Farrell Street, 46th Floor, San Francisco
What: Young Professionals for Kamala Harris invite you to spend an evening above San Francisco honoring SF District Attorney Kamala Harris.
Young Professionals: Abel Guillen, Adam Borelli, Adam Zapala, Alfred Zollar, Akshay Verma, Angie Perone, Anthony Burney, Armilla Staley Ngomo, Barbra Williams, Bari Williams, Ben Winig, Bonnie Lau, Candice Petty, Catalina Ruiz-Healy, Che Hashim, Chris Young, Cody Harris, Dana Textoris, Elayna Mahaney, Elizabeth Baribeau, Eric Casher, Erik Harris, Erik Moore, Erin Wade, Frederic Roots, Frieda Edgette, Hari Kommaraju, Harris Cohn, Hilary Sledge, Idje ogbechie, Jaron Shipp, Jenn Pae, Joe Brilliant, Joel Young, Johanna Waki Silva, Josh Fryday, Justin Buell, Karina Marshall, Kathleen Kelly, Kelly Finley, Khurshid Khoia, Kiki Williams, Lesley Bunim, Leslie Wenzell, Lori Lochtefeld, Luke Klipp, Margaret Salazar, Mark Conrad, Matthew and Jason Goldman, Matthew Kahn, Meena Harris, Mike Kim, Meghna Subramanian, Moira O'Neil, Molly Taylor, Mystic Palencia, Natalia Merluzzi, Naomi Kelly. Nigar Shaikh, Paddy Underwood, Paul Henderson, Raven Brooks, Rebecca Prozan, Rohini Gupta, Sadie Ferguson, Sarah Kurlen, Sanam Pangali, Sandra Davis, Sarah Daniel, Sarah Kupitake, Seth Steward, Shefali Duggai, Sheila Bapat, Shilen Patel and Kiran Jain, Sonia Gonzalez, Stephanie Block, Stephanie Ong Stillman, Steve Ngo Sumi Paranjape, Susan Christian, Tajel Shah, Tana Recacho, Tina Lee, Virg Cristobol, Vishali Singal, Yoav Schlesinger
$35 per person. Purchase tickets: kamalaharris.org/donate/event/530
Information: kamalaharris.org
November 7, 2009 - Saturday
Boeddeker Block Party
When: November 7, 2009 - Saturday
10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Where: Boeddeker Park, Jones Street and Eddy,San Francisco
What: Block party hosted by Tenderloin Neighborhood Development Corp.
Information: tndc.org
*Sunnyside Park Clubhouse Reopening
When: November 7, 2009 - Saturday
11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Where: Sunnyside Park Clubhouse, near the corner of Mangels Avenue and Foerster Street. Entrance is along Foerster between Mangels and Teresita.
What: Ribbon-cutting at 11:30 a.m. Light goodies served. Bring your family.
Information and Source: sfnpc.org
Sunset-Parkside History Day
When: November 7, 2009 - Saturday
11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Where: Dianne Feinstein Elementary School, 2550 25th Avenue, San Francisco
What: Explore the rich history of the Sunset District and learn more on how you can help revitalize the neighborhood branch libraries in the Sunset District. Sponsored by the Sunset Lions Club in partnership with Friends of the San Francisco Public Library. Event benefits the Ortega and Parkside LibraryCampaigns. Free admission and raffle prizes!
11 a.m. Reception, coffee, tea and light breakfast
11:30 a.m.- performance by San Francisco Sound Wave Chorus.
Noon - Presentation by local historian Lorri Ungaretti, author of "San Francisco's Sunset District (Images of America)"
1:30 p.m. - Live interviews with long time residents and distinguished old-timers of the Sunset District. Moderated by Paul Kozakiewicz, Editor, Sunset Beacon Newspaper
2:30 p.m. - photo Exhibit - with Elizabeth Pepin and Philip Loborio Gangi
3 p.m. Parkside Walking Tour ( $5. suggested donation)
Information: tscheulov@friendssfpl.org
Elihu Hernandez for Board of Supervisors District 6 Campaign Kick-Off
When: November 7, 2009 - Saturday
6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Where: Zeitgeist, 199 Valencia Street, San Francisco
What: Campaign kick-off for Elihu Hernandez for Supervisor in District 6
Information: elihu.hernandez.2010@gmail.com
November 8, 2009 - Sunday
We are already in the future! Barack Obama: Year One
When: November 8, 2009 - Sunday
1 to 4 p.m.
Where: San Francisco Main Library, 100 Larkin Street, San Francisco
What: Poet, playwright, essayist Amiri Baraka will deliver a talk on the presidence of Barack Obama. The talk will be followed by a discussion with Justin Desmangles, then open to questions from the audience. Sponsored by the African American Center.
Information: sfpl5.sfplorg
November 9, 2009 - Monday
A Symposium on Comprehensive Immigration Reform
When: November 9, 2009 - Monday
5:30 to 8 p.m.
Where: State Building, Milton Mark Auditorium, 455 Golden Gate Avenue, San Francisco
What: San Francisco Immigrant Rights Commission and the Office of Civic Engagement & Immigration Affairs are inviting you to a Symposium on Comprehensive Immigration Reform: San Francisco's role in Shaping National Immigration Policy. Keynote address by F. Daniel Siciliano (Faculty Director of Stanford's Rock Center for Corporate Governance & Stanford Law School Associate Dean. Panel of immigration experts:
Bill Hing, General Counsel & Founder, Immigrant Legal Resource Center
Mary Giovagnoli, Director, Immigration Policy Center
Cyndy Avitia, Congressional Assistant, Office of Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren.
*Asian Pacific Democratic Club - "You Don't Know Jack: The Jack Soo Story
When: November 9, 2009- Monday
6:30 p.m. - light refreshments
7 p.m. reel starts
8 p.m. Question and answer with Jeff Adachi
Where: Dolby Laboratories, 100 Potrero Avenue, San Francisco
What: The Asian Pacific Democratic Club and Public Defender Jeff Adachi invite you to an exclusive preview of the presentation of "You Don't Know Jack: The Jack Soo Story. One hour documentary film by filmmaker and Public Defender Jeff Adachi. Story of a pioneering American entertainer Jack Soo.
RSVP required. apdesf@gmail.com
$10. for current members of APDC or $20 for non-members
Information: jacksoo.com
November 10, 2009 - Tuesday
* SPUR Young Urbanists - Literature in the City
When: November 10, 2009 - Tuesday
6 p.m.
Where: SPUR, 654 Mission Street, San Francisco
What: Join SPUR Young Urbanists and writer Stephen Elliott of the San Francisco Writer's Grotto and editor of The Rumpus, writer and City Lights editor Elaine Katzenberger an poet Matthew Zapruder, the forum moderator, for an evening that explores "Literature in the City".
Free to members $20. for non-members
Information: spur.org/events
*BOMA - Scott Wiener
When: November 10, 2009 - Tuesday
6 to 8 p.m.
Where: Influsion Lounge, 124 Ellis Street, San Francisco
What: BOMA is co-hosting fundraiser reception for Scott Wiener, 2010 candidate for San Francisco Democratic County Central Committee and District 8 Supervisor.
Information: John M. Bozeman johnb@boma.com
*City Lights Bookstore - Elaine Elinson and Stan Yogi
When: November 10, 2009 - Tuesday
7 p.m.
Where: City Lights Bookstore, 261 Columbus, San Francisco
What: Authors Elaine Elinson and Stan Yogi discuss their book "Wherever There's A Fight: How Runaway Slaves, Suffragists, Immigrants, Strikers, and Poets Shaped Civil Liberties in California". First-ever account of the struggle to develop and protect rights in the Golden State.
Information: citylights.com
*Jan Kerouac Remembered
When: November 10, 2009 - Tuesday
7 p.m.
Where: North Beach Library, 2000 Mason Street, San Francisco
What: Celebrate the life and work of the post-Beat novelist Jan Kerouac and the only child of Jack Kerouac with Gerald Nicosia who has written "Jan Kerouac: A Life in Memory". Other readings fromBrenda Knight, John Cassady, Cari Macki.
Information: sfpl5.sfpl.org
Alice B. Toklas LGBT Democratic Club -
When: November 9, 2009 - Monday
6:30 to 8 p.m.
Where: LGBT Center, 1800 Market Street, San Francisco
What: The Board approved a motion to recommend the suspension of the bylaws for an early endorsement vote. On Nov. 9th there will be a meeting to vote on the Board's recommendation to suspend the bylaws.
Members eligible include anyone that has been a member 60 days or more as of the meeting. Any member who is within 18 months of their lapse day can renew at the meeting. Motion states: Shall the Alice B. Toklas LGBT Democratic Club suspend the bylaws in order to hold an early endorsement vote for the dual unranked endorsement of Rebecca Prozan and Scott Wiener for District 8 Supervisor, at its December 14, 2009, general membership meeting?
The Board also approved a second motion providing that, if the membership votes to suspend the bylaws that the names of all announced candidates will appear on the early endorsement ballot.
Information: alicebtoklas.org
Please email any items or comments to sfpostnotes@gmail.com (I need your help in providing events for this calendar - the more information - the more informed we all are)
Important: Items change - please check before attending event for any changes.
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