I went down to the San Francisco Obama Headquarters at 939 Market Street (between 5th and Sixth Street). A very nice place to visit if you have any spare time to volunteer. The office is open every day from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Volunteers are needed to phone bank. The website is www.sfobama.com. Phone Number 415-670-9840
Note special event: Yerba Buena 10 Day Countdown Rally and Mega-Phonebank (Last call for Change)
When: October 26, 2008 - Sunday
11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Where: Yerba Buena Gardens, 745 Mission Street, San Francisco
What: Phone calling for Obama. Main goal is to get the word out to vote early and tally supporters. Great speakers, activities for kids and lots of phone banking to key battleground states. Bring your cell phone, a pen, and a blanket or chair, picnic - we will provide the materials and training.
Information: www.sfobama.com
October 22, 2008 - Wednesday
Police Commission Meeting
When: October 22, 2008 - Wednesday
Where: City Hall, San Francisco
What: Regular Meeting. Items off the agenda:
Presentation regarding safety on Muni.
Presentation regarding Halloween activities.
David Chiu - District Three
When: October 22, 2008 - Wednesday
6 to 8 p.m.
Where: Tiernan's Restaurant and Pub, 685 Beach Street, San Francisco
What: Meet the candidate. Join the neighborhood conversation. All are invited to this free and public event to meet David Chiu and discuss the issues.
Information: votedavid.chiu.org
Owen O'Donnell - District Four
When: October 22, 2008 - Wednesday
6 p.m.
Where: University Club, 700 Powell Street, San Francisco
What: Fundraiser. Enjoy wine and cheese while discussing Owen O'Donnell's views about our city and how, if elected , he plans on making San Francisco as functional as it is beautiful.
RSVP: c.diana@sbcglobal.net
Joseph Alioto, Jr. - District Three
When: October 22, 2008 - Wednesday
6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
Where: Caesar's Restaurant, 2299 Powell Street (at Bay) San Francisco
What: Alioto Town Hall on the Bay
Information: www.aliotoforsupervisor.com
Women In Leadership
When: October 22, 2008 - Wednesday
6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
Where: City College of San Francisco - Ocean Campus, 50 Phelan Avenue, Rosenberg Library R304, San Francisco
What: Akaya Windwood speaking on Women In Leadership
- What obstacles do women face as they pursue leadership roles?
- What impacts the effectiveness of women's leadership once they are in leading positions?
- What contributes to women breaking through the glass ceiling?
- How does one develop her own unique leadership style?
- How can women become leaders, take care of their families, and be true to themselves?
- How does one maintain an equal playing field in a diverse community?
- What factors have impacted your journey to leadership?
- Akaya Windwood is President of Rockwood Leadership Instituted located in the East Bay. She is an executive leadership coach and organization consultant with more than 30 years experience working for social justice. This talk is free and the public is welcome.
Eric Quezada - District Nine - Fundraiser
When: October 22, 2008 - Wednesday
7 to 9 p.m.
Where: Sunrise Restaurant, 3126 24th Street, San Francisco (between Shotwell and Folsom St)
What: Fundraiser Dinner for Eric Quezada. Dinner buffet will include pupusas, yuca and chips, Salvadorain style chicken or vegetarian fajitas, Casamiento and salad, desser, Sangria included. Cash bar available. $20 dinner; $50 dinner plus a campaign t-shirt. $60. all the above plus sit at Eric's table.
Seating is limited. Researve: http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/40265
Information: ericquezada.com
The 5th and Final George Bush Going Away Party: An Evening of Political Comedy
When: October 22, 2008 - Wednesday
8 p.m.
Where: Brava Theater, 2789 24th Street, San Francisco
What: Kung Pao Kosher Comedy Presents The 5th (@Final) George Bush Going Away Party: An Evening of Political Comedy. Tickets $20-$25-$30.
Information: www.koshercomedy.com
October 23, 2008 - Thursday
Ron Dudum - District Four
When: October 23, 2008 - Thursday
Noon to 1:30 p.m.
Where: Gold Mirror Restaurant, 800 Taraval Street @ 18th Avenue, San Francisco
What: Party in Support of Rod Dudum for Supervisor. Suggested Contribution $150. (includes lunch).
Information: electdudum.com
Source: www.plancsf.org
SPUR - The 2008 Housing Act: What it means for San Francisco
When: October 23, 2008 - Thursday
12:30 to 1:30
Where: SPUR, 312 Sutter Street, San Francisco
What: Matt Schwartz of the California Housing Partnership Corporation will discuss how the 2008 Housing Act will benefit San Francisco. $5. non-members
Information: www.spur.org
Upper Market Planning - Planning Dept.
When: October 23, 2008 - Thursday
Meeting starts at 1:30 p.m. (time not certain for this item)
Where City Hall, Room 400, San Francisco
What: Discussion and adoption of the Upper Market Community Vision and Recommendations and Upper Market Development Design Guidelines.
Information: Abigail.kiefer@sfgov.org http://uppermarket.sfplanning.org
Whole Foods Planning Dept. Hearing
When: October 23, 2008 - Thursday
Agenda item: 5 p.m.
Where: City Hall, Planning Commission, San Francisco
What: Hearing on Whole Foods Market at 690 Stanyan Street, San Francisco. Cole Valley Improvement Association approves the project. One of their reasons is that it will draw back local residences to the Haight. Supervisor Ross Mirkarimi supposedly supports this project.
Information: cviasf.org
San Francisco Women for High-Speed Trains
When: October 23, 2008 - Thursday
5:15 to 7:15
Where: 2100 Pacific Avenue, San Francisco
What: A fundraiser event in support of Proposition 1A. Special Guests: Assemblywoman Fiona Ma, Assemblywoman Cathleen Galgiani, Quentin Kopp, Aaron Peskin. Co-Hosts, Lynne Newhouse Segal, Jane Morrison, Caroline Alain Rodman, Jo-Linda Thompson, Amy Moy, Jill Lillienthal, Joan Simmons, Renee Golanty-Koel, Brigette Leblanc, Jeannie Maher and Jim Lazarus. $35. up. RSVP needed by October 21st - caroline@rodmanconsulting.com
Information: www.CaliforniansForHighSpeedTrains.com
Renters Rise Up!
When: October 23, 2008 - Thursday
5:30 p.m.
Where: Board of Realtor, corner of Franklin & Grove Streets, San Francisco
What: Wealthy landlords are targeting rent control again!. Three key Supervisor races this Fall will determine if tenants keep the majority on the Board of Supervisor. Prop. 98 won, but rent control is merely a local ordinance which can be weakened or ended with just a 6-5 vote at City Hall. Protest and picket. The San Francisco Tenant's Union endorsed candidates that are be targeted against are Eric Mar, David Chiu and John Avalos.
Information: www.sftu.org 282-5525
Alice Awards Ceremony
When: October 23, 2008 - Thursday
5:30 to 7:30 p.m.
Where: Lime, 2247 Market Street, San Francisco (between 16th Street and Sanchez)
What: Alice Awards Ceremony. Please join San Francisco's Elected Family and The Alice Board of Directors for the Annual Alice B. Toklas Fall Awards Reception honoring people and organizations who are building and protecting our community and making Alice an effective community contributor:
Ally Award - Dennis Herrera
Visionary Award - Shannon Minter
Legal Services Award - Terry Stewart
Community Service Organization Award - Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence
Community Service Individual - Molly McKay
Leadership Award - Rebecca Prozan
Volunteer of the Year - Announced at the Event
Robert Barnes Lifetime Achievement Award - Hon. Willie L. Brown, Jr.
Individual ticket: $55 Alice Member; $80 non-member.
Information: www.alicebtoklas.org
"Beyond the Fields' - Randy Shaw
When: October 23, 2008 - Thursday
5:30 p.m.
Where: SEIU Local 87, 240 Golden Gate Avenue, San Francisco
What: Book Launch and Reading for Beyond Chron Randy Shaw's new book: "Beyond the Fields, Cesar Chavez, the UFW, and the Struggle for Justice in the 21st Century".
Information: www.beyondthefields.net
Candidates Forum District 11 Supervisor
When: October 23, 2008 - Thursday
7 to 8:30 p.m.
Where: Mission YMCA, 4080 Mission Street (at Trumbull), San Francisco
What: EAG - Excelsior Action Group host Candidates Forum District 11 Supervisor.
Confirmed candidates attending: John Avalos, Mary Goodnature, Eli Horn, Randy Knox, Myrna Lim, Julio Ramos and Ahsha Safai
Forum topics:
How will the candidates make our community stronger, safer and more vibrant?
How will the candidates support small business development?
How will the candidates address economic and community development issues such as public safety, blight, job creation, housing, transportation and capital investment in our community?
Light refreshments will be served.
Information: cristy@eagsf.org www.eagsf.org
October 24, 2008 - Friday
Marching Towards Peace - Excelsior
When: October 24, 2008 - Friday
4 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Where: Meet at Excelsior Boys & Girls Club, 163 London Street, San Francisco at 4 p.m.
What: "Would you rather live for something or die for nothing".( On September 20th I heard a young lady speak at the Police Community Excelsior Meeting about how she wanted to put a march together for the youth to show that the youth care about their community and want the killings to stop. Her name is Victoria Kupu). March to Excelsior Park for Rally.
Information: Leah Weitz 415-334-9919
*Musicians Against Military Recruitment in the Schools
When: October 24, 2008 - Friday
7 p.m.
Where: Bazaar Cafe, 5927 California at 21st Avenue, San Francisco
What: Join The Peaceniks, Annie and the Vets, Martin Cami. Make friends, have fun and support no military recruitment in our schools. Donation request for No on Prop V campaign
Information: www.nomilitaryrecruitmentinourschools.org
O's for Obama
When: October 24, 2008 - Friday
9 p.m. to 4 a.m.
Where: 1015 Folsom, San Francisco
What: Obama rally and fundraiser. Top-notch DJs, all-night dancing, sensual/political performances and Destin Gerek. $20. at door.
Source: www.yelp.com
October 25, 2008 - Saturday
Weekend early voting at City Hall
When: October 25, 2008 - Saturday
10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Where: City Hall, San Francisco
Information: www.sfgov.org/elections
*John Avalos - District Eleven
When: October 25, 2008 - Saturday
10 a.m.
Where: 4802 Mission Street, San Francisco
What: Door knocking. Meeting at campaign office to eat a quick breakfast then go knock on neighbors doors to spread the word about John Avalos.
Information: avalos08.com
*Ahsha Safai - District Eleven
When: October 25, 2008 - Saturday
10:00 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Where: Headquarters, 4750 Mission Street, San Francisco
What: Join us in talking to voters, walk precincts.
Information: www.ahshasafai.com
*Yes on Prop. B 2008 - San Francisco Housing Fund
When: October 25, 2008 - Saturday
It's up to you.
Where: 825 Howard Street (between 4th and 5th Street), San Francisco
What: Literature drops and precinct walking.
Information: www.propb2008.org
*Sandra Fewer - School Board
When: October 25, 2008 - Saturday
10 a.m.
Where: 1601 31st Ave at Lawton, San Francisco
What: Precinct Walking
Information: sandrafewer.com
*Carmen Chu - District Four
When: October 25, 2008 - Saturday
10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Where: Headquarters 1038 Taraval, San Francisco
What: Walk a precinct. Identify other supporters as you walk the beautiful Sunset District.
Information: 415-566-1460
4th Annual Noe Valley Harvest Festival
When: October 25, 2008 - Saturday
10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Where: 24th Street between Sanchez and Church Street, San Francisco
What: Harvest Festival. Arts and crafts, entertainment, live music, pumpkin patch, pumpkin decorating, jugglers, caricaturist, balloon artist, dog tricks contest, children's costume contest, pie eating contest, pimp my stroller contest and raffle. Along with Noe Valley Farmers' Market from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. People involved included Friends of Noe Valley, NV Merchants and Professionals Association, Church Street Professionals, St Philip's Church and the Noe Valley Association.
Information: www.noevalleyharvestfestival.com
*San Francisco Tenants Union - David Chiu - District Three
When: October 25, 2008 - Saturday
10:30 a.m.
Where: Central City SRO Collaborative, 259 Hyde & Eddy, San Francisco
What: Help stop tenant harassment! Join us at our mobilization this Saturday as we campaign for David Chiu for Supervisor in District 3 and for Yes on Prop M to stop tenant harassment. We'll be joined this week by CitiSTOP and will target Citi Apartment buildings in District 3. Besides going door to door, you can table or flyer on Polk Street or other location.
Information: ted@sftu.org
*Denise McCarthy - District Three
When: October 25, 2008 - Saturday
10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Where: Headquarters, 1920 Polk Street, San Francisco
What: Voter outreach.
Information: denisemccarthyforsupervisor.com
*Mark Sanchez - District Nine
When: October 25, 2008 - Saturday
10:30 to 2:30
Where: Headquarters, 988 Valencia Street, San Francisco
What: Volunteer Mobilization!
Information: marksanchez.org
Taraval Street Fair
When: October 25, 2008 - Saturday
11 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Where: Taraval and 46th Avenue, San Francisco
What: Taraval Street Fair. Vendors and artists, food and drink, snow cones and tasty eats, Family Fun
Information: www.taravalmerchants.org
Coit Tower's 75th Anniversary Diamond Jubilee Celebration
When: October 25, 2008 - Saturday
Noon to 3 p.m.
Where: Coit Tower, San Francisco
What: 75th Anniversary. Join U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein and Mayor Gavin Newsom. Family activities, entertainment, free elevator rides, demonstration and Exhibits.
Information: 415-831-2782 www.parks.sfgov.org
Farley's 18th Annual Pet Fest
When: October 25, 2008 - Saturday
1 p.m.
Where: Farley's Cafe, 315 18th Street, San Francisco
What: Pet Fest with parade and costume judging. Dress your pet in Halloween finery. Nancy Wright Trio will entertain at 2p.m. Special benefit to raise for the Potrero Branch Library.
*Lynn Jefferson - District Three - Yogurt with Lynn
When: October 25, 2008 - Saturday
1 to 2:30 p.m.
Where: Swirl Culture, 1400 Grant Avenue (between Green & Union), San Francisco
What: Meet Lynn Jefferson
Information: electlynnjefferson.com
California Historical Society - Campaign Buttons - Family Day
When: October 25, 2008 - Saturday
4:30 p.m.
Where: 678 Mission Street, San Francisoc
What: Ever wonder if that Richard Nixon or Wavy Gravey pin was worth something? Collectors will be available to identify and discuss political items you bring in. Meet the collectors that contributed ot the exhibit "California Presidential: Candidates and Campaigns from the Golden State". They will also share some of their special political memorabilia. Kids will get the chance to make their own campaign button. Free admission with a campaign button. $3.
Information: www.californiahistoricalsociety.org
*John Avalos - District Eleven - Laughs Not Cash
When: October 25, 2008 - Saturday
8 to 10 p.m.
Where: Broken Record, 1166 Geneva @ Naples, San Francisco
What: Laughs Not Cash: A benefit for District 11 Supervisor Candidate John Avalos. A comedy fundraiser for John Avalos featuring Erico Roselli (a.k.a. Ron Muriera), Allan Manalo, Nicole Maxali, Nato Green. Sponsored by Filipino American Democratic Club.
Information: jonathantwright@gmail.com. avalos08.com
October 26, 2008 - Sunday
Weekend early voting at City Hall
When: October 26, 2008 - Sunday
10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Where: City Hall, San Francisco
Information: www.sfgov.org/elections
*Ahsha Safai - District Eleven
When: October 26, 2008 - Sunday
10:00 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Where: Headquarters, 4750 Mission Street, San Francisco
What: Join us in talking to voters, walk precincts.
Information: www.ahshasafai.com
*Sandra Fewer - School Board
When: October 26, 2008 - Sunday
10 a.m.
Where: 767 22nd Ave. at Fulton St., San Francisco
What: Precinct Walking
Information: sandrafewer.com
*Carmen Chu - District Four
When: October 26, 2008 - Sunday
10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Where: Headquarters 1038 Taraval, San Francisco
What: Walk a precinct. Identify other supporters as you walk the beautiful Sunset District.
Information: 415-566-1460
*Yerba Buena 10 Day Countdown Rally and Mega-Phonebank (Last call for Change)
When: October 26, 2008 - 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Where: Yerba Buena Gardens, 745 Mission Street, San Francisco
What: Phone calling for Obama. Main goal is to get the word out to vote early and tally supporters. Great speakers, activities for kids and lots of phone banking to key battleground states. Bring your cell phone, a pen, and a blanket or chair, picnic - we will provide the materials and training.
Source: www.yelp.com
*Obama Phone Banking Party
When: October 26, 2008 - Sunday
Noon to 5:30 p.m.
Where: Mark Sanchez Headquarters, 988 Valencia Street, San Francisco
What: Join over 50 Obama volunteers for a phone banking party at the space - bring a cell phone and a throat lozenge - you'll be talking to voters til your're hoarse!
Information: marksanchez.org
*Mary Goodnature - District Eleven
When: October 26, 2008 - Sunday
Noon to 3 p.m.
Where: Minnie and Lovie Ward Recreation Center, 650 Capitol Ave. (Montana/Plymouth Ave./Lobos St.).
What: Mary Goodnature invites her opponents and District 11 Constituents to Join the Goodnatured Revolution "For the Good of All".
Information: 425-713-5677
Opening of 125 Mason Street Family Housing - Block Party
When: October 26, 2008 - Sunday
1 to 4 p.m
Where: Mason Street between Ellis and Eddy Streets, San Francisco
What: Glide Economic Development Corporation (GEDC) invites you a festive block party to celebrate the grand opening of 125 Mason Street Family Housing. Rev. Cecil Williams, Janice Mirikitani, Hon. Willie Brown. Featuring the inspiring Glide Ensemble, John Turk and music from the Change Band. Refreshments will be available.
Information: Denise Lamott denise@deniselamottPR.com
October 27, 2008 - Monday
Mark Leno Fundraiser Co-Sponsored by San Francisco Bicycle Coalition
When: October 27, 2008 - Monday
6 to 8 p.m.
Where: Medjool, 2522 Mission Street, San Francisco
What: Join the SFBC and other community organizations who support Mark Leno for his longtime commitment to our cause. Mark's recent Complete Streets Bill, which recently passed, requires that all communities in the state prioritize biking and walking as they design their streets. Come out and support Mark Leno.
Information: www.sfbike.org
Commonwealth Club - Frank Rich Talks elections with The Guardian & NY Review of Books
When: October 27, 2008 - Monday
5:30 check in - 6 p.m. program
Where: JW Marriott Hotel, 500 Post Street, San Francisco
What: A panel of writers and editors lay out what you need to know before heading to the polls in November: Frank Rich, Michael Tomasky, Thomas Powers, Bob Silvers.
$30. non-members
Information: tickets.commonwealthclub.org
*Mark Sanchez - District Nine - General Volunteer Meeting
When: October 27, 2008 - Monday
7 to 9 p.m.
Where: 988 Valencia Street, San Francisco
What: Last big volunteer meeting before GOTV - go over the schedule for the last four days of the election - it's going to be intense!
Information: marksanchez.org
October 28, 2008 - Tuesday
Last Day for Voters to Request a Vote-by-Mail Ballot to be mailed.
When: October 28, 2008 - Tuesday
Information: www.sfgov.org/elections
World Premier film "Milk. Castro Theatre. www.milkthemovie.com
George Hamilton
When: October 28, 2008 - Tuesday
5:30 p.m.
Where: Commonwealth Club, 595 Market Street , San Francisco
What: George Hamilton will discuss his new book "Tales of Show Business and Life". Wine and cheese reception. $18. non-members.
Information: tickets.commonwealthclub.org
Behind the Scenes - The JCRC Gala and Auction
When: October 28, 2008 - Tuesday
5:30 p.m.
Where: Jewish Community Center of San Francisco
What: Raoul Wallenberg Jewish Democratic Club and Jewish Community Relations Council co-sponsor "Behind the Scenes" Gala and Silent Auction. Honoring individuals who have stood up for our community - let's now stand up and thank them:
Rita Semel Jewish - Civc Leadership Award: Natalie Berg, Founding member of the Wallenberg Club
Courageous Leadership Award:
President Robert Corrigan, San Francisco State University
Reverend Douglas Huneke, Westminster Presbyterian Church
Reverend Dr. Archer Summers, First United Methodist Church
Honorable Tom Lantos Memorial Humanitarian Award:
Gayle Donsky Martina Knee Gerri Miller.
On line auction: bid to participate in spectacular behind-the scenes opportunities with elected officials, deals on great experiences and restaurants and much more at JCRC's online auction at www.jcrc.cmarket.com!
Information and to purchase tickets contact rbernstein@jcrc.org or visit www.jcrc.org
*Joseph Alioto, Jr. - District Three - Final Fall Bash
When: October 28, 2008 - Tuesday
6 p.m. VIP Reception
7 p.m. to 9 p.m. General Admission
Where: The Dirty Martini, 2801 Leavenworth Street, San Francisco
What: Final Fall Bash. Host committee: Patrick Alioto, John Baker, Peter Boer, Regina Callan, Bridget Cannata, Chelsea Cannata, Liza an Joseph Cannara, Paul Capurro, Cesar Contreras, Michele Curtis, Maya Draisin an Mike Farrah, Jr., Michael Ehrlich, Anne Farrah, Justin Fichelson, Ron Fiore, Rodney Fong, Bill Franchey, Erica Galos Alioto, Dominique Glynn, Matt Kliszewski, Hilary Newsom Callan and Geoff Callan, Erik Noland, Tamara Odisho Benjamin and Paul Benjamin, Soleil Teubner, Joey Toboni. Special Performance: Eoin Harrington
$50. Fan $125 Groupie, $250 Rock Star $500 Producer
RSVP Sarah Zeiger sarahzeiger@gmail.com
San Francisco Police Effectiveness Review
When: October 28, 2008 - Tuesday
6 to 7:30 p.m.
Where: UCSF Parnassus Campus - Millberry Union, 500 Parnassus Avenue, San Francisco
What: San Francisco Police Department and Office of the Controller invite you take part in public workshops regarding the future of the SFPD. Come hear the recommenaitons resulting from a year-long Organization Assessment of the San Francisco Police Department and provide your feedback on everything from district station and investigative staffing to officer recruitment, training and use of force.
Information: www.sfpolicereview.org
*San Francisco School Board Meeting -
When: October 28, 2008 - Tuesday
Meeting starts at 6 p.m.
Where: Everett Middle School, San Francisco
What: Regular scheduled school board meeting. Resolution to be presented as an alternative to JROTC that would offer leadership training for the district's students without military overtones
Information: www.sfusd.ed
David Chiu - District Three - SUPERParty 2008
When: October 28, 2008 - Tuesday
6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
Where: Mercury Lounge, 1582 Folsom Street, San Francisco
What: SUPERPARTY 2008 - Music and Comedy - Hosted by Friends of David Chiu: Rich Pio Roda, Keith Kamisugi, Dale Minami, Lovely Dhillon, Brian Wang, Ben Wan, Keesa Ocampo, Genevieve Jopanda and John Lyn. Performances by Emy Tseng, Joseph Nguyen, Loren Kraut, Kevin Munroe and indie alternative rock band Lumaya.
RSVP cynwang@gmail.com
Information: votedavidchiu.org
October 29, 2008 - Wednesday
*San Francisco Democratic Party-Many Voices/One Vision
When: October 29, 2008 - Wednesday
5:30 p.m. cocktails and silent auction
7:00 p.m. Dinner and Program
Where: Mark Hopkins Hotel, 999 California Street, San Francisco
What: Fundraising dinner with Keynote Speaker Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House; Special Guest: Congresswoman Jackie Speier. Honoring: Visionary Leadership Award: Mayor Gavin Newsom and City Attorney Dennis Herrera; Trailblazer Award: Mike Anders and Sue Bierman Memorial Award: Susan Pfieffer.
Sponsors: Platinum: State Senator Leland Yee, Assemblywoman Fiona Ma, Platinum Advisors, SEIU-United Health Care Workers West, John M. Malcolm, Janet and Clint Reilly Champion: Senator John Burton, Supervisor Aaron Peskin, Birmingham Properties, AECOM, CH2M Hill, Agar Jaicks, Jane Morrison, Joan Wulf Benefactor: Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi, Supervisor Tom Ammiano, City Attorney Dennis Herrera, Luxor Cabs, Sprinkler Fitters Local 483, Yellow Cab Cooperative Inc., Jeremiah Hallisey, Melanie Nutter and Levi Oliphant, Mary and Michael Silver Table Host: Assemblyman Mark Leno, State Board of Equalization Vice-Chairwoman Betty Yee, Barbary Coast Consulting, California Teachers Association, DeSoto Cab, Pacific Park Management, Dennis and Hene Kelly, Victor and Farah Makras, Marcia Smolens, Wilson Meany Sullivan, Debra Walker. Democratic Club Table Host: Democratic Women's Forum, Noe Valley Democratic Club, Raoul Wallenberg Jewish Democratic Club, San Francisco Young Democrats Contributor: District Attorney Kamala D. Harris, National Cab, Town Taxi, Oz Erickson, Denise LaPointe Supporter: Supervisor Carmen Chu, Supervisor Chris Daly, Supervisor Sean Elsbernd, Royal Taxi, San Francisco Building and Constructin Trades Council, Theatrical Stage Employees, Local 16, United Educators of San Francisco, John Avalos, David Campos, David Chiu, Bob Dockendorff, Eric Mar, Denise McCarthy, Marsha Rosenbaum Friend: State Senator Carole Migden, Sheriff Michael Hennessey, Treasurer Jose Cisneros, Assessor Recorer Phil Ting, District Three Democratic Club, Emerge CA, Stearns Consulting, Michael Goldstein, Rafael Mandelman, Connie O'Connor, Jeffrey Pollack, Laura Spanjian, Matt Tuchow
Tickets are $150 each and up.
Information and purchasing tickets on line: www.sfdemocrats.org info@sfdemocrats.org
San Francisco Police Effectiveness Review
When: October 29, 2008 - Wednesday
6 to 7:30 p.m.
Where: Visitacion Valley Middle School, 450 Raymond Avenue, San Francisco
What: San Francisco Police Department and Office of the Controller invite you take part in public workshops regarding the future of the SFPD. Come hear the recommenaitons resulting from a year-long Organization Assessment of the San Francisco Police Department and provide your feedback on everything from district station and investigative staffing to officer recruitment, training and use of force.
Information: www.sfpolicereview.org
Voices of Latin Rock - Eva Royale - District Nine
When: October 29, 2008 - Wednesday
8 to 11 p.m.
Where: Great American Music Hall, 859 OFarrell Street, San Francisco
What: Voices of Latin Rock featuring members of Malo, Santana, Abel and the Prophets, Sly and The Family Stone, War and Tower of Power. Plus many special guests and a special reception and celebration for Eva Royale, Candidate for Supervisor San Francisco. Doors open at 7 p.m. for reception. $30. advance, $35 at Door. Portion of proceeds to benefit UFW (United Farm Workers).
Information: www.gamh.com
Town Hall Meeting for District 1 Supervisor Candidates
When: October 29, 2008 - Wednesday
8 p.m.
Where: McLaren Hall 251, USF, 2345 Golden Gate Ave., San Francisc
What: Town Hall Meeting for District One.
--This is a lot of information, things change - please double check information before attending.
Please email items for the calendar to mission2894@gmail.com.
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